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What Just Happend?
Salvia divinorum
by Tree
Citation:   Tree. "What Just Happend?: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp1484)". May 18, 2001.

4 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (leaves)
A little while back i came across some sally D, which was given to me by a friend from mexico who had only tried it the previous day, well i was at my friends house up in his jungle retreat in a nice little house with a bunch of other people i did not really know all that well but seemed a very funky bunch indeed.

we had been smoking some high grade cannabis for the last 30 mins or so, listening to music and playing guitars and bongos and having a rather chilled out saturday summer afternoon, or so i thought we were all pretty much stoned well i was and judging from the 12 bloodshot eyes in the livingroom i was not the only one.

some time in the middle of a conversation with A he brought up the topic of salvia and asked if i had tried it before. I told him that i had once a few years back whilst tripping on 2cb and had felt no effects at all, well he asked me if i was keen to attempt it again it said yes and asked him what if any affect had got from it, he told me that yesterday was his first go and it felt like being taken over by a warm female presence, and A asked me once again if i was willing, foolishly i was.

well A handed me a small bag with a leafy looking green matter in it it liked really bad ganja well he told me the trick to get a good hit was too smoke as much of it as possible to try and smoke a bong after a bong with out exhaling, this sounded rather tricky even though i would call myself a rather heavy smoker i didnt think i would get more than two full bongs down my lungs with out coughing my soul out. anyway the sally was incredibly smooth and i managed to smoke a full 4 bongs one on top of the other before i could take no more, i sucked in some air and held my breathe for as long as i could then something really really fucking strange happend.

As i exhaled i suddenly felt a huge pressure in my head and chest very very fast and then from the start of my ankles heading up i felt as if these invisible balls or pegs started attaching themselfs to me and working there way up my legs and entire body on both sides this was most uncomfortable and these pegs or whatever had incredible force they were seperated about two inches apart and stared pulling me to the right and i was fighting it with all i had left in control of me was myneck and head, i was scared shitless and the it started pulling me from the other side i was looking across at A and a R who had morphed out quite totally and tried to say to R who was next in line 'you dont want to try this trust me'.

this energy that ahold of me was so totally alien that i didnt have the calm or time to focus on any real aspects of the trip except the incredible force that had hold of me, it felt like force that was tring to pull me apart from both sides or that these were two seperate forces each having a battle for me being, each trying to tempt me into itīs relm well i didnīt want to go with any of them.

I started to really fight against them, it whatever i closed my eyes and saw bright pulsating sky blue flashing moving patterns morphing into reds, and oranges this was more intense that with eyes open so i opened them and just and the room started taking shape again, as i did i felt a sudden realise from both side and rapidly i was back down to earth as quickly as i had been shot way out there into god knows what.

i was shell shock and tried to speak which was another battle, i asked A what the fuck was that that just happend and he said that during the trip i had been rocking from side to side and had trid to say something that was toally incoherent and had a really tried out look on my face.

well in closing i will say that Saliva is not something to mess around with have an experienced sitter there with you and be prepared to be blown away it is such a totally alien state i have ever been in also it comes on so dam quickly that you dont even know what has happend,i have tried DMT a few times and although it is stronger visually than salvia Dmt at least has an on set quick it may be but wow salvia just grabs you instead and you have know idea what the hell is going on until it spits you out the other side.

i guess if i had not fought it and concentrated on the effects and let myself go i may have got a lot more out of it other than a question mark and a rather good fright i might well have enjoyed it i love visuals and that brief second when i closed my eyes the colors were amazing aqlthough highly intense, it was just to much of a strong force behide it lurking out the in the middle of nowhere and blew me off course.

I may try it again some time but for now it will stick to what i know and enjoy and go play with sally when im am ready for her.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 1484
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 18, 2001Views: 10,094
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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