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the New Adult Appreciation
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   AZlizard. "the New Adult Appreciation: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp14985)". Apr 25, 2005.

  inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
I am a relatively experienced psychedelic user (if that means anything to you) and have been experimenting with nitrous oxide for a few years now. I originally appreciated the rush, the time distortion and the general haziness of perception that it provided me with. The appetite suppressant effects were also welcome, especially while tripping on certain gastro-intestinally challenging chemicals (I am prone to some stomach upset when eating while on LSD, 5-MeO-DiPT, DXM, morning glories and AMT).

I stopped using nitrous oxide for nearly a year after becoming bored with its effects. I felt that the way that it played with my perceptions was entirely too predictable. I concluded that it was a stupid drug for immature people...

...and, a couple weeks ago, I decided to buy some. :-) Imagine my surprise to find it much more fulfilling now that my body has wormed its way out of adolescence! I have found the physical effects to be much more chilled out and the mental effects almost non-existant. I no longer experience a 'hazy' feeling on it - in fact, I feel more 'sober' (clear and lucid) after five or six whippets than without them.

I don't know if this has anything to do with my history of 'frequent' (some of you may not consider 3-4 times/week at peak periods all that unusual) psychedelic use. I find that the residual visuals from my pleasantly blown mind disappear after those whippets and I feel primed for everyday tasks that involve impersonating less far-out individuals than myself, such as attending my so-called liberal college or buying groceries in a certain small town. In addition, I have been very glad to note that the anaesthetic effect of the nitrous has become much stronger for me as I am allergic to most over-the-counter painkillers and did not have much to resort to in the past when in physical pain. However, I was rather spiritually, personally and therefore physically numb throughout my life before the past few months and I am not surprised that I would be more able to appreciate pain-killers at this point.

In conclusion I feel able to appreciate this drug now from two equally valid points of view. The drug-hungry lost adolescent with a nice supply of psychedelic liquids around to pump up the nitrous high and the 'well-adjusted' person writing this today agree that there is value in inhaling whippets. I feel that nitrous oxide deserves its place with all the other chemicals as a legitimate recreational substance in its own right.

In fact, I was inspired to send in this report because I am currently abstaining from all other drugs except caffeine and after inhaling around twelve whippets half an hour ago I felt a certain need to exonerate nitrous oxide from its reputation as a 'dumb' drug. A few years older and wiser, I can now percieve this substance as multi-faceted and feel no shame about defending it. It is what it is, and just because a lot of numb kids use it to zone out does not mean that it is not a resource for more experienced individuals looking for an altered state of mind. I look forward to exploring this substance further in the future.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14985
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 25, 2005Views: 11,071
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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