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Calm and Happy
Citation:   Sychodelix. "Calm and Happy: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp15034)". Jun 4, 2021.

30 g oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
Calm and Happy Experience

I've heard so many bad reports on the effects of nutmeg that it took me a very long time to try it out. I ate a bowl of ramen noodles about 2 hours before I tried it. I had whole nutmeg and ground them up very well and then measured out about 30 grams. I had a glass of water ready and then put each spoonful in my mouth, all the way to the back of my tongue and then very quickly washed it down. After about the second spoonful I nearly threw up but I resisted it and finished it off with more water. It tastes horrible but as long as you wash it down fast it's no big deal.

For the first 20 minutes or so it irritated my stomach a little but it wasn't too bad. Within the first hour I was feeling very good, like I had smoked a nice fat joint. This feeling continued for about 3 hours and then I started becoming very happy. Everything seemed to beautiful to me gave me a whole new outlook on life. The hallucinations in all were very mild, but I would say they opened my mind to a lot and brought me an inner peace. I had very little nausea at all. The next day I felt totally fine but still with a nice peaceful feeling. I ate several times after I ate the nutmeg and it didn't bother me at all. Even up to 4 days after I still had a nice natural high that cannot be duplicated with chemicals.

The only side effects that I suffered were slight nausea, light headache the first few hours, and an higher than normal pulse. I've done crystal meth and cannabis before and the side effects of nutmeg aren't much different than cannabis, and they are nowhere near as bad as meth. I haven't been able to get another person to try it with me yet but I'm working on that.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15034
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 4, 2021Views: 797
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