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Citation:   glitch. "Dizzy: An Experience with Cannabis (exp15113)". Jun 24, 2007.

3 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I am beginning to experiment with different mand-altering substances for pleasure and also self-exploration. I admit I am not an experienced user; until recently, I had only been trying perscriptions (xanax, percocet, etc.) and decided that I would find out what the big deal about weed was. I had never really seen the fun in being 'stoned' but friends decided I should try it once. This morning, my curiousity got the best of me and I decided I would smoke. I had smoked twice before, but I didn't feel any effects (probably because I hadn't done enough). This time I was determined to get high.

It was morning and I was feeling pretty good about myself. I went into the bathroom and emptied what was left of a dimebag onto the counter. I threw together a makeshift pipe and went to work, taking long drags. After a bowl, I still didn't feel a thing. About halfway through my second bowl, I had layed down in my tub to get more comfortable. It started to hit me. I suddenly felt like I had missed out on about a week of sleep. Every time I tried to focus on the pipe in front of me, I fell backwards. I heard strange tunes coming from the echoes in my bathroom; I was having fun. I finished that bowl and went to work on a third. After I was sure it hit me, I cleaned up and went to grab some food (I had the munchies bad). I ate a sandwich and had some tea and sat down to watch comedy central with a pack of crackers.

I was in a very good mood and was very excited to feel so loose and free. I sat down and munched on crackers and giggled away at the tv for about 30 minutes. Then it started to get bad. I was constantly feeling like I was falling or being rocked back and forth. At first it was very enjoyable but now I was starting to feel sick to my stomach. My friend told me a few days before that I should close my eyes and pretend I was on a roller coaster to make the gravity feeling go away. Bad idea. I felt sicker and sicker so I got up and went in the other room. A friend told me to drink some water and I would feel better, so I quickly followed instructions. It didn't help.

I kept feeling sicker and sicker and after about an hour I had to go lie down. I put on some relaxing music and tried to chill, but the feeling stayed with me. I started sweating and felt even dizzier than I was before. After 15 minutes, I decided a shower might snap me out of it so I could enjoy the high. Although it did keep my mind off of my churning stomach, the feeling was still there. After a few hours it faded away and I was back to normal. Then I got hit with a huge headache. I called a friend and talked for a while to pass the time and now I'm here. All my symptoms are gone, both positive and negative, and I felt I should let everyone know that getting high isn't always fun. Be careful what you do.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15113
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 24, 2007Views: 6,751
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Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), Bad Trips (6), Alone (16)

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