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The Thinking Man's Marijuana
Citation:   Benzene. "The Thinking Man's Marijuana: An Experience with DET (exp15152)". Jun 4, 2002.

60 mg smoked DET (powder / crystals)
Recently I happened to come across a rare drug - diethyltryptamine (DET). I had obtained a quantity of diethyltryptamine freebase. It was a light yellow powder determined to be quite pure by NMR analysis. The first time I tried it, I smoked 45 mg with some friends. I found this light but enjoyable. The smoke itself was a little harsh, and did not taste very good (it had the usual 'burning plastic' smell reminiscent of DMT and 5-MeO-DMT). But on the whole, smoking it was not bad. It was definitely a lot smoother than, say, snorting DPT (which I cannot do anymore, since it just ruins my sinus cavity for several days).

Next, I smoked 60 mg. This was stronger, but still not intense. It takes about a minute to come on. The come up is pretty smooth and gentle; it's not a rush. For this reason you can take your time smoking it (unlike DMT where you have to hurry to smoke it all at once because your mind gets shattered). The high was very interesting in that it was not visual at all. It was almost entirely body and mental effects, with good audio enhancement. The high was quite relaxing and mentally stimulating. I felt very frisky and talkative. I almost want to compare it to marijuana, only it was much more clean. The effects lasted about an hour, but I found that I could boost by smoking another 25 mg.

On another occasion I ate 90 mg of DET, which was nice, but again light. I think that smoking is definitely the way to go. I find DET particularly interesting in contrast to DMT and DPT. DMT is obviously ridiculously visual, and DPT is quite visual as well, yet DET has no visuals whatsoever. Still, it is a nice, social drug that I recommend highly. It is quite manageable in that you could go for a walk in the park and be in total control. Do try it if you can find some.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15152
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 4, 2002Views: 37,666
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DET (16) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1)

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