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An Unexpected Trip
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   Jonas. "An Unexpected Trip: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp15163)". Erowid.org. Feb 8, 2023. erowid.org/exp/15163

3 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  Multiple joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (flowers)
Psychoactive drugs and just the idea of going into somewhat of a fantasy world always seemed very appealing to me. Ever since I had heard of such things as LSD and Mushrooms at a very young age, I had wanted to be a part of the supposed altered state of consciousness, and as I grew, physically and philisophically, the idea just seemed that much more appealing.

I had traveled great lengths to locate such a drug, and sure enough, one day out of nowhere, I was able to experience my first acid trip. I received no visuals, but the philisophical insights were the fuel to my unfolding desire to learn more and dive even more deeply into the unchartered territories of my conscious and subconscious.

After reading up a little and asking around the 'hood' so to speak, I learned from such people as Dr. Timothy Leary as well as some of my friends with PhDs in first hand experiences, that the heavenly and mellow magic mushrooms were an even better idea than LSD. I simply heeded their advice and began my search for the 'fun-guy.'

After what seemed like a gruesome waiting period, I finally got my hands on the magic mold which would soon occupy my plans on a few different occasions around the same time; that's irony of availability for ya'. The first experience was only with half of an eighth which kind of left me a little disappointed and unfulfilled.

A short period later I came across a bit more of the shrooms which I experimented with alone in my room one night. Although I ate only about half a gram of the blue fungus, my experience was much more intense: I actually experienced 'Alice in Wonderland' and afterwards was rendered a little paranoid in the corner of my room thinking that someone was after me with a bit of an alienated feeling at the same time. I seemed to regain control of my mind, however, and I took it up as a learning experience which left me still wanting more.

A few days later, I again was able to be graced with chance to eat some more of the extremely potent mushrooms from a few days prior. I quickly gobbled up three grams along with some of my other very close friends. I felt completely comfortable and we were off for an afternoon of hiking which lead to a wondrous demonstration of nature's power in an intense storm, a majestic sunset, and some very interesting conversations with my friends. The visuals were amazing and I had never experienced such wonderful philosophical insights; at the time I probably could have written a book. But eventually the day would turn to night and we had to except the fact that we were not actually renowned philosophers on the voyage to unlock the mysteries of the universe, but a bunch of callow young adults with lives that were not all that extraordinary.

That night was made up of recollecting the wonderful time we had and getting extremely blazed after smoking joint after joint in the residence of one of my good friends. When I got up from the extremely relaxing position on the floor, an extremely animated and intense trip set in which allowed my reality to switch in and out of Harding's normalcy and a cartoonish playground right before my eyes. I became incredible freaked out because with this I also felt as though I could not breathe and that I was sure to die.
my reality to switch in and out of Harding's normalcy and a cartoonish playground right before my eyes. I became incredible freaked out because with this I also felt as though I could not breathe and that I was sure to die.
There seemed to be some kind of blockage in my airways (primarily the nose) and my temperature rose feverishly . . . I think.

As I lay on the floor extremely convinced that my heart had stopped beating and I could no longer breath, I wrote a long letter to my friends and family on the subject of farewells. I was a gonner for sure. I felt the life get sucked out of my body and my insides turned to a paralyzing acid that burned and tore up my organs. The feeling in my body was none existent and my vision slowly left me. Weakness overwhelmed me. My friends said I slowly trailed off saying, 'I just delved too deeply.'

The next day I woke up in disbelief, confusion, and a horrible paranoia that lasted about three days continuously playing with my head and waking me up in the middle of the night in a sweaty panic. This is the fourth day and all I really am hoping for is a solid night of sleep tonight. One thing is for sure, though, which is that I am no longer that interested in psychedelic drugs.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15163
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 8, 2023Views: 274
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