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Intimate Afterglow
Citation:   Sunchaser. "Intimate Afterglow: An Experience with 2C-I (exp15186)". Jun 5, 2002.

15 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
I prepare very carefully for psychedelic experiences, especially new ones. This one had been planned for four months with one close friend at a country cottage. It was a beautifully sunny day which we spent in the colourful garden.

I had thought that 2-CI was going to be close to 2-CB which I had taken three times before at the 20mg level. We both took 15mg at exactly midday. I felt the first alert at about the half hour mark and it was very clear after an hour that this was going to be closer to LSD than 2-CB. The intersuggestability of feelings, visuals and music was very close to LSD whereas 2-CB has 'out-there' intricate visuals which are beautiful but less involving. I will do 2-CB in public but would not want to have been interacting with strangers at this level of 2-CI.

It carried on building nicely until two hours where the depth stopped and fell short of LSD. Whereas with LSD I feel thrown into the experience, with 2-CI I started to feel disengaged. After a while I realised that I could move in and out of the experience which was a disappointment at first but later I realised that this could be very useful especially for insight.

I felt 2-CI was raunchy whereas 2-CB is sensual. I would have loved to have been able to make it a more sexual experience but that wasn't possible on this occasion. For two hours I was able to take stock of my life and became aware of anxieties that I wasn't aware of before that are blocking me. Sobbing at the freedom that this brought (facilitated by the beauty of the music) I felt renewed. This was more on an emotional level whereas LSD would be working with more depth at a spiritual level.

At the four hour mark we started talking and for two hours the conversation flowed easily and intimately, such a good chance to truly catch-up with where we and our lives are. After six hours we felt like a walk and some food and walked a mile to the pub. The warmth slowly wore off over the next three hours and I would say at nine hours I was back to base-line.

I would certainly do this again and would up the dose to 20-22mg.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15186
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 5, 2002Views: 10,960
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2C-I (172) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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