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Tramadol (Ultram)
Citation:   Anonymous. "Groovin': An Experience with Tramadol (Ultram) (exp15364)". Jun 14, 2002.

  oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
I've been taking Ultram (Tramadol) for the past year. It's just like taking a couple vicodin's. I usually have to take about 4-5 Ultrams at once, but I can feel the side effects if I take just a couple. I love sleeping on them, I wake up on and off all night, and when I do awaken, I'm always really happy. I also have some really cool dreams when I go to sleep on them. Ultrams seem to cure anxiety and have somewhat of a sedative effect, but not enough to knock me out. I can socialize normally on them, I might even be a little more socialable then usual.

As far as getting addicted to them, I have to admit I woke up a couple mornings and didn't want to get out of bed unless I had any. They seem to make my day a little easier and more enjoyable. Ultram usually kicks in about an hour after I first take it, and depending on how many you take, they seem to last alot longer then any other opiate I've ever taken. I've gone to bed at 8pm after taking 5 of them and woke up at 8am and still felt like I was groovin.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15364
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 14, 2002Views: 43,911
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Alone (16), General (1)

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