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Abusus non tollit usum
Atropa belladonna
Citation:   Paracelsus. "Abusus non tollit usum: An Experience with Atropa belladonna (exp15570)". Jun 23, 2002.

  oral Belladonna
Despite the copious amount of information available concerning the toxicity and fatality of this plant, (and others of it's kind) it seems that there are those who still view nightshade as some sort of recreational joyride. It is NOT. It is an entity unto itself, and it's Saturnian nature will test those foolhardy enough to trifle with it within an inch of their lives.

My personal experience with it has never been of the aforementioned nature as I have taken the utmost care and respect when using this Herb. Therefore this is not so much a submission of my experience as it is a list of guidelines for the responsible use of belladonna.

First let me begin with a redundant warning that even the most inexperienced neophyte can perceive: This bitch don't play, given half a chance she will fall up in your head and fuck your shit up!

1.Belladonna is a trip to hell if you are not prepared for this type of experience, do not attempt it's usage!

2.Belladonna is a very sneaky plant, making it very easy to overdose. What you may at first perceive as a lack of effect is quite possibly a trick. This plant has many.

3.Belladonna tends to have a cumulative affect also adding to the danger of overdose. Therefore a serious time commitment is needed to avoid a negative experience.

4.Belladonna should be taken slowly and allowed to build up slowly so that a symbiotic relationship may be established with the plant.

5.An inability to perceive Belladonna's affect at first is normal. Chances are you are experiencing it, but it's early effects have come on so furtively that you cannot at first perceive your altered reality. Rest assured you will. I find that I experience a single point of memory compression, which allows me to re-analyze the experience and pinpoint my entrance point to the land of the dead.

6.If you are using this plant for the first time I recommend using the leaves rather than the berries as the leaves usually contain a more regulated amount of poison. My experience with a berry tincture is usually more intense.

7.STAY HYDRATED-this plant will dehydrate you

8.Have a baby-sitter for the first time. No really.


Dried leaf 1/2-2 ounces (do not exceed)
Berry tincture 1-15 drops (I start with 5)
I do not recomment eating the berries raw.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 15570
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 23, 2002Views: 40,782
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