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Strange and Often Misused Plant
Citation:   Radachal. "Strange and Often Misused Plant: An Experience with Datura (exp15625)". Jun 27, 2002.

  smoked Datura (leaves)
I have been psychedelically frustrated for a long time. I have searched for psychedelics as a means of reality and consciousness expansion, but haven't had to much luck finding any psychedelics. I read about datura, found some, and harvested it even though i expected it to be horrible. Almost everything I have read on the plant said it would make me go crazy. I did it anyway.

The first time i experienced datura i was by myself. I ate 25 seeds, felt nothing for a couple hours, and decided to smoke some of it. I noticed something off as i smoked the datura, but i couldn't tell what. I decided to go to sleep when it hit me, and it hit me HARD. It was the freakiest feeling i have ever known, but i pulled myself out of it in about 30 seconds. Once i got my head around the fact that i was on datura it didn't bother me. One thing about the datura that has been a recurring theme is that it didn't make me feel necesarily 'fucked up'. My head spun a different direction, my thoughts looped for what seemed like forever, my dreams were somehow different, but i wasn't feeling like i was on a drug necessarily. Well, i woke up and realized that i was indeed quite effected by the datura and not just in those first 30 seconds.

I tried datura again the next day with two friends i shall refer too as A and K (why am i not using their names? it makes no sense, but i guess since so many other people who submit these reports don't use names i won't either.) K didn't want to smoke much, but she did try a little. A and myself noticed something familiar yet indistinct about the datura. It tasted familiar, but at the same time it didn't. The effects were very pronounced in me, and along with the alcohol i had drank it made me feel like hugging everybody. This was not the delirium i had read about. It was something completely new, yet something completely familiar. I woke up the next morning still feeling the effects, as did A.

So i went and decided to experience datura again with these good people. It was the afternoon, a lovely day, and some wine was most definatley in order. After the wine was drank and gone, datura was smoked. This time K smoked more and definately had a strong response. To say that she had unlimited energy would be an understatement. I've never seen someone so full of energy before, it could easily be percieved as an adverse reaction, but i don't think it was. I was feeling a new kind of energy, as I believe A was too. WE all agreed to take a walk, and i couldn't stand just sitting around in the apartment. This walk will undoubtedly be the best walk of my life. It was warm, it was friendly, everything seemed to shine and shimmer.... it was very nice. We walked, picked flowers, ate berries, and we even found some pot growing near a parking lot. The whole time we all smoked any small pieces of half smoked cigarettes we could find, as nicotine fed into the wonderful energy. A picked up some herbal supplements while we were at the store, and we picked a little of the pot we found even though it was premature. When we got bakc we smoked the premature undried pot, finding that it was not ditchweed and had the potential for greater things, even if it didn't do much at the time. The datura had blessed us. A made a tea out of the Kava Kava and Valerian he got at the store. It had a definate effect on all of us, making us sleepy and such. My extremities felt warm. I took a walk, which proved to not help my sleepy condition, but i made it and eventually got back. More datura was smoked, this time with my friend P in attendance. I can't remember the exact order of what happened since i was on the third day of a datura binge, but i think we got some beer after that and smoked some more datura. The beer helped me to wake up a little, which is odd since that usually doesn't happen. P and i talked for a long time and stayed up past 4 am. This conversation did something to me, i don't know what but i think i'm glad for it.

I woke up today exhausted and unsure. Caffeine helped. I definately still feel some aftereffects.

My advice to anyone thinking of trying datura: be with good people, drink good wine(and water too, i got pretty dehydrated from the alcohol and the datura and the caffeine that is necessary the next day), and don't overdo it. Following these rules i find datura to be a wonderful and unique tool to gaining a new perspective on life.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15625
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 27, 2002Views: 8,685
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Datura (15) : Multi-Day Experience (13), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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