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What a Disappointment
by GHV
Citation:   GHV. "What a Disappointment: An Experience with GHV (exp15643)". Oct 6, 2020.

7.5 - 10 ml oral GHV (liquid)
After years of experience with GHB and GBL I thought I'd give GHV a try, what a disappointment.

First, tranquili-g is expensive. $60 from [website] for 4 oz.

Second, it tastes and smells very 'solventy,' more so than GBL.

Third, the effects are barely noticable. At 7.5 - 10 ml (5 ml followed by a booster of 2,5 - 5 ml after 30 min.) my wife and I can barely notice a slight elevation in mood and sense of relaxation. There is a very, very slight g'ish tingle. I had hoped it might be a nice relaxant for after a long night of exploring, but its sedating properties don't seem very strong. By contrast 2.5 ml of GBL has a strong effect with 3 ml usually bringing complete sleep.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15643
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 6, 2020Views: 1,143
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