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Clubbing on too much HGB
Citation:   GHB Fan. "Clubbing on too much HGB: An Experience with GHB (exp1568)". Mar 4, 2001.

6.0 g oral GHB (liquid)
The other night I got off work and took 1 cap/2.3g of G. The first hadnt kicked at all in 1 hour so I took another cap, total 4.6g. Me and a freinds watched TV, socialised, ect., they were drinking alcohol. I had a great time, the dose was perfect. I was very talkitive, everything was funnier, and I had lots energy.

At least 2 hours after the initial dose I took 1/2 cap more, total 5.8g on the way to a club. The extra 1.2 grams was enough to shut me down! Once we got to the club the new dose started to take hold. I started to talk and dance less and less until I was sitting on the floor with my hands on my head. Thats when we left.

On the way back I started to get what felt like electric shocks through my body. I have felt these before on G, but these were much worse. I'd get a 'shock' and nearly trip when walking. I was unable to communicate even what I felt like to my friend. As I continued to walk home I started to get what felt like a sudden lose of consiouness with the shocks. Then, while I was walking, I would lose consciouness and start walking off in some weird direction. It felt like the world was blacking out then I was walking in a dark tunnel. Sometimes I would have a dream too and lose all concept of who or where I was. Then I would snap out of to my friend asking me where I was going. I wanted to stop the whole way back but my friend made me walk all the way home.

Once home I passed out and woke up the next morning. I remembered most of the night only after being reminded by friends. I learned the hard way that more isnt better with G!

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 1568
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 4, 2001Views: 10,220
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GHB (25) : General (1), Overdose (29), Various (28)

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