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Not My Drug
Citation:   Sonya. "Not My Drug: An Experience with AMT (exp15740)". Jul 1, 2002.

60 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
My husband and I took a trip just outside of the city in order to attend a rave on the weekend. We were staying with friends. We ate dinner a little while before we went to our friends' house. At the house, I brought out my scale and AMT and started weighing it out in front of everyone. M, who knows that she is very sensitive towards drugs such as MDMA, asked me to give her 10 mg. Me and my husband did 60 mg, and our friend J did 60 mg as well. We tried to dissolve the AMT in coca cola, but it didn't dissolve well and tasted horrible. I recommend taking it in gel capsules.

After me and my husband dosed, we decided to head to the beach, and took a walk to the end of the pier. We were looking at the stars and the ocean, which were quite beautiful, until we became nauseous, about 45 minutes later. We left the pier so that we could puke onto a private place on the beach unnoticed. We puked intermitantly and violently for at least an hour, maybe an hour and a half. That dinner was definitely not a good idea!

We decided to drive back to the house, because by this time we were quite cold. J was still there. He told us that he had puked as well, but only for half an hour or so. All of us were still feeling sick. J left for the rave, and we waited half an hour longer until our stomaches settled. Visuals were mild, but I had a very good body buzz.

I saw M after I got to the rave. She had been feeling sick the whole time. She continued to feel sick throughout the evening, although I don't think she ever puked. She had a horrible evening.

Dancing was nice on this drug. I don't think it's a particularly good party drug though, because it did not enhance my social skills very much. Euphoric but not particularly social.

My next trip on AMT was probably my last. I dosed early on an empty stomach, which decreased vomiting time considerably, although the vomiting experience was just as harsh as the last time. Me and my friend W spent the day at the beach. I had an amazing time, and everything looked so beautiful and I felt so good. However, after about the 8th hour or so, I got a terrible headache along with jaw, neck and shoulder tension. AMT makes my muscles extremely tense. This is definitely not my drug. I feel that the bad side effects outweigh the good effects.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 15740
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 1, 2002Views: 15,828
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AMT (7) : Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1), Health Problems (27), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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