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5-MEO-DMT Curiosity Killed the Cat
Citation:   topher. "5-MEO-DMT Curiosity Killed the Cat: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp15903)". Jul 10, 2002.

  smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
i died.....
i came back but...... i've been in the void of death and nothing ness
ive experienced the afterlife for a short glimpse, it was horribly alien and terrifying but once it was oven i was completely reborn, while in it, it was very relaxed if i accepted it and it was beautiful to be nothing in a sense, a pure blanket of true ecstasy and an orgasm with the universe.

i've experienced what id think of as nirvana, I felt as pure energy, the pure universe and unhuman ecstasy, and its very much like an after death experience (friends who do reiki and such can get 2nd hand trips from the experience and feel a bit of whats going on, very scary very real).

this was after 5meodmt........ the feeling when you go into the void can be very terrifying and too much to handle, it feels as if a huge rush is bringing you higher, and finally its nothingness, if you get any seriously fear from fighting the feeling(sometimes cant help it) you would never want to touch drugs again, and you aren't aware of coming back because you feel the actual death that once youre gone you wont come back, might i hear it not really true since you'll always come back and the only common permanent side effects i hear of are smashing life changing perspective

ive treated the drug with a lot of fear but also with respect. the respect was mainly because i had no desire to do it or no real reason, and i decided not to do it until i had a reason.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15903
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 10, 2002Views: 6,972
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : Unknown Context (20), Mystical Experiences (9), Difficult Experiences (5)

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