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A Child Again
Morning Glory Seeds
by Itzz
Citation:   Itzz. "A Child Again: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (exp15934)". Jul 9, 2002.

300 seeds oral Morning Glory
I've tried morning glory seeds using all the extraction methods listed on errowid and none of my trips was as strong nor as awesome as my last one.

I bought 6 packets of heavenly blue seeds. They had a 'do not eat' warning on the package, so rinsed them in soapy water for a few minutes and then dried them. I put them into a coffee grinder, but gave up grinding the buggers about half way through. I then ate the whole seeds, taking care to munch them as long as possible. The taste was not that bad. I then waited about 30 minutes and ate the rest that I had grinded into yougurt.

I took a 40 minute walk into a park and forest. By the time I got there, the effects were starting to come on. I got a sick feeling and though I never puked, I had a lot of phlegm. After sitting with my head between my knees for 5 minutes, i lit a joint. Then I began to feel like God. Nature was speaking to me, the trees caused me to have laughing fits. I was running through the forest from tree to tree pretending to be rambo or a hunter or something. I was quite sane, but just felt like being a child again. I did this for about 4 hours and then went home. Once home, I became very creative, wrote some poetry, came up with an idea and was so convinced that the only person who would understand it would be Bill Gates. In fact I was certain that everything else in my life including work would have to wait until I had met with Bill.

I went to sleep with that thought and slept well. I can remember having many dreams. When I awoke, I did feel rather silly about the Bill Gates thing, but I had a whole collection of photos that I had taken of myself in the forest with my digital camera. overall, it was the most fun I have ever had by myself.

Eating the seeds direct is the best way to go with Morning glory. I'll definately be doing this again next weekend. The dosage also seemed to be perfect.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15934
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 9, 2002Views: 40,589
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Morning Glory (38) : Glowing Experiences (4), General (1), Alone (16)

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