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Long Term Tooth Damage!!
Citation:   Dizzy. "Long Term Tooth Damage!!: An Experience with MDMA (exp15989)". Jul 14, 2002.

T+ 0:00
0.5 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:30 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 5:00 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 7:00 0.5 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
Okay, I don't consider myself to be a particularly experienced drug user, but I'd taken ecstasy several times before this experience, as well as LSD, Coke and Speed.

I was with my boyfriend at Glastonbury festival this year. At the last minute I'd managed to get hold of several pretty strong, brownish pills with V8 stamped on them. They had a really aniseedy smell and, as usual, tasted foul! Anyway, our first day at Glasto, we decided to start with a half each as we didn't know what we had got for ourselves. After and hour and a half neither of us had really 'come up' on the halves, but both of us felt a bit floaty and kind of mellow - but at the same time with a strong desire to walk around rather than sit. So we walked around a bit. After a little while we decided to drop another whole tablet each. I immeadiately became a bit fidgety and annoyed at my Boyfriend's desire to sit and watch some comedian in a tent. We carried on walking a bit more and, about 20 minutes after swallowing the whole tablet, I started coming up.

I always know when I'm coming up - I feel pretty faint, and have to sit down - I don't like being touched or talked to unitl I'm properly high, so we sat on a hill together watching the world go by until I was ready to get up. After ten minutes or so I was feeling fine and so was my boyfriend so we stood up to go - I was not prepared for how GOOD I felt when I got up. I really don't think I've ever been that high before and haven't been since. My boyfriend was feeling pretty similar so we spent the next few hours floating around the festival, dancing at imappropriate music and stopping for hugs - usually to the great annoyance of the moving crowd!

Anyway, we had started early (around 3pm) so wanted the experience to carry on into the night. Around 8pm we took another whole pill each, and came up on them about half an hour later (we hadn't eaten anthing all day so our stomachs were totally empty). It was at this point I noticed myself gurning and chewing my face off REALLY badly. had some chewing gum but still couldn't stop myself clenching my jaw madly. I didn't let this spoil my roll, however, and continued dancing into the night, finishing off with another half pill around 10ish.

About 12pm I was still really high and on the way to the toilet noticed something hard in my mouth - thinking it was a bit of un-swallowed pill from earlier, I tried to crunch it up. When I couldn't crunch it I took it out of my mouth to find a large chunk of TOOTH in my hand! I had been gurning so badly that I had broken my teeth!! This didn't worry me at the time but the next morning my boyfriend inspected my mouth. As well as losing that big chunk, I had ground my front teeth into an even curve, cracked several other teeth and bitten a large piece of my inner cheek off.

Glastonbury was an amazing weekend and I continued pilling for the rest of it, but looking back I'm not sure if thefun I had was worth the £££££££s in dental treatment I had to pay for when I got back!!

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 15989
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 14, 2002Views: 13,748
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MDMA (3) : Glowing Experiences (4), Health Problems (27), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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