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Like Taking Speed... Too Much Speed
Citation:   Lord Vitamin. "Like Taking Speed... Too Much Speed: An Experience with Trazodone (exp16003)". Sep 14, 2005.

10 tablets oral Pharms - Trazodone
Trazodone, an anti-depressant I used to be on, was discovered by me in my parents medicine cabinet recently. Back then I had no interest in drugs, now (under two years later) I did. I took some of the old pills, nobody would notice as they were no longer in use. The pills, though I don't know the mg, were about the size of an Aleve, I took 10 of them. A few nights before I had 4 and enjoyed it, so I figured why not boost the dose.

Keep in mind, at this time, though not suicidal, I didn't care if I DID die from the experience... or so I thought. The pills numbed me and made me happy after about 20 minutes, as I watched TV. Then I realized something was very, very long. My heart was beating like a humming-bird, and my body was telling me it was definately a problem. The rest of my body started giving out, and due to the extreme fear this put me in, I attempted going to my bathroom and trying to puke out some of the pills, realizing now that I DID care if I died, and didn't want to. I failed trying to purge them, and ended up lying down and going to sleep on the bathroom floor, completely unable to get back to my bedroom. I

A little goes a long way. I'm 230 pounds, so I'm far from a lightweight, and I'd definately consider the 10 I took to be a near-death experience. From this experience I'm now completely done taking anti-depressants to get a high, and I strongly caution anyone who entertains the thought of trying it out.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16003
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 14, 2005Views: 43,534
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Pharms - Trazodone (294) : Overdose (29), Health Problems (27), Alone (16)

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