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Passed Clean
Adrafinil & Urine Testing
Citation:   Anonymous. "Passed Clean: An Experience with Adrafinil & Urine Testing (exp16029)". Jul 14, 2002.

2 tablets oral Adrafinil
I had my urine test last tuesday. I drank plenty of fluids and took 40 mg of lasix. I don't do serious illegal drugs (I'm 52 and was raised in the flower child era and did my share of weed, acid, mushrooms, pcp, coke, etc. about 25-30 years ago). I do sometimes take Metabolift, Sudafed, and occasional phentermine (as close to illegal as I get now a days) to help me thru busy days and my 12 hour schedules.

I was especially nervous due to my being a Registered Nurse and the scare stories we hear. 'Rumors' alone could screw a nurse up at work. One of Gary Null's books recommended Adranifil, as part of an anti-aging program, so finally figured, I had documentation of my belief of it being 'ok' to back up any problems. I took in a list of all my rx's and herbals, to test, I took two Adranifil that morning and all the initial tests came back negative. I noticed that they used a cut off for amphetamine of 1000. Nothing had to be sent to secondary testing.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16029
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 14, 2002Views: 25,613
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Drug Testing (59), Adrafinil (216) : Not Applicable (38), General (1)

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