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Iz Good
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   New2Nos. "Iz Good: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp16208)". Aug 11, 2021.

1 cart. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
Several days ago I managed to 'aqquire' a soda syphon machine, which in turn serves as a whipped cream dispenser, or better still as a great way to suck a bit of Nitrous.

The problem was however the device was missing a part, and therefore I had to force a hole into the end of the bulbs with shear hand force. THis resulted in many failed atempts and a bit of frost bite.

However we did manage to get a few decent hits from it. THe next day I 'aqquired' the part which allows the bulb to be sealed and screwed in on the perfect angle, this then peirces the bulb discharging the gas. Fortunatley I still had one priceless bulb left, and while I waited for my parents to arrive at the shopping centre, I proceeded to sit at the lakes edge while I basked in the beautiful sunlight. It was a perfect day and a gentle breeze was swaying the trees. I Proceeded to load a bulb into the charger, screwing down tight till I heard the satisfying squeel of nos discharging into the bottle. I waited a minute till I held a balloon over the nozzle. I then let rip with the lever filling a nice big pink balloon up with this god almighty NOS.

I held the balloon with much care while I put my toy back into the box. Now I was ready to suck in a nice dose of Nos, while I relaxed in the sun. I breathed a few nice deep breaths, prepping the body for the short time ahead. I then breathed all but the tiniest bit of oxygen from my lungs, then huffed in the whole ballon, I held it for a mere second then blew back out into the ballon, then sucked back in and held it.

It then came on, first my ears got a little warm, then tingly, followed by a pins and needles sensation all of my face, lips, ears, and finally my whole body. While I felt this, the wind became extrememly choppy like a helicoptor. It was great. Everything I could see was all fuzzy, as if looking closley at a low resolution photo,it was made up of red, green and blue dots. Pixels almost. Then I heard another amusing sound, and looked to my right just as the peak was fading, a lady who was going for a morning jog happened to run past, and let me tell you it took alot to not burst into a fit of laughter, but instead I simply giggled and lay back to relax. Still the sound was all choppy, and things still looked like bunch of tiny dots.

For a good 5 minutes after my ears were ringing.
And since then I've bought several boxes of bulbz. And believe me they become rather habitual.

As we speak I am home from school
Having a few.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16208
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 11, 2021Views: 673
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : General (1), First Times (2), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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