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An Introduction to Something Else
Citation:   Playa Eef. "An Introduction to Something Else: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp16248)". Jul 27, 2007.

  smoked Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
    insufflated Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
Methamphetamine created an unbelievable experience for me. I'd appreciate if you took some time and read my story. The first tried marijuana about a year and a half ago. Last summer and this summer I've been smoking quite a bit of weed, with occasional alcohol drinking. I loved the high weed gave me. One day I was on the phone with two of my girl friends and they had known I was kind of tired of depressants and wanted to actually experience being stimulated. They told me they could get me crystal. I agreed to pay $50, and hoped I could get some of the money back from friends who wanted to try it with me. The next day I went to a park to meet a few guys the girls knew. He sold me the stuff. It basically looked like powder that wasn't compltely broken up. I hadn't seen the stuff before so I wondered if I was getting ripped off.

I walked over to a friend's house that night with two other friends. We decided to smoke the crystal with tin foil and a straw in the bedroom. One of the four of us didn't do it because he was on probation so he hung around and helped. I poured out the crystals and stared at them. I remembered people telling me that the taste was very bitter. Wondering if I was ripped off with salt, I licked some and it was nearly the nastiest thing I've ever tasted. We started to smoke the stuff and after a short while I felt a little bit lighter than usual. I didn't like the feeling very much. All my life I had told myself I was never going to snort any kind of drug, but I got fed up with this weak high and said, 'This high sucks. Fuck it, let's snort it.'

The two of my friends that were smokin with me were trying to convince me not to snort the stuff. I ignored them and snorted it anyway. I stood there for a few seconds waiting for the expected burning sensation. Then it felt like there was a fire deep in my nose. The bitterness dripped down the back of my throat. I jumped around for a few seconds, waiting for the mild pain to end. I started to snort more lines. The two of my friends eventually gave in and started to snort with me. I was fiending for more. The desire to snort more of the meth was strong.

I remember wanting to save some for another day and not do so much for my first time, but it didn't matter anymore to me. My friend that wasn't participating encouraged me to do more. My friends continued to snort with me and I did the most. Sometime in the period of my snorting, I wasn't keeping track of time or how much I'd taken, all of a sudden I got a huge rush of adrenaline. It seemed like my mouth started operating and I wasn't able to control it.

'Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God', I repeated and people on the phone told me I was speaking way too fast and needed to slow down. I couldn't stop talking. I was pacing back and forth rapidly. Soon, the $50 worth of crystal was gone, then I licked every last bit from the inside of the bag. I was angry that I couldn't have any more. But I soon forgot my anger because I felt ecstatic. I felt a desire to run, jump, a desire to just leave and do something adventurous. I felt that the biggest adventure was waiting for me and I was wasting time standing in that room. I felt upbeat and energetic; like I was unstoppable, alive, and there was no obstacle I couldn't conquer. I urged my friends to get ready so we could leave. Meanwhile some people kept calling my cell phone to check up on me. They were all startled by my fast speech and loud breathing.

We finally left the house and the four of us started walking. I felt as if I could walk forever and as if I was on a mission that had an undetermined objective. We showed up at a girl's house and there were three girls there. I knew it was smart for me to drink some water so I drank a little bit, even though i didn't want any at all. For a long while we all sat there on the porch, talking. It is hard to explain, but I talked like I've never talked before. I talked as a person of greater intelligence and as a person with better moral values. I felt like I was a great person, as if my life was especially valuable. I sensed another dimension of my mind and also of my life.

I noticed my emotions were enhanced greatly. A little annoyance that I'd normally excuse would piss me off. Overall, I was just in a really joyful state. I wished the human body could normally be like that. It's hard to describe how great I felt. I kept getting these amusing head rushes frequently. To my horror, I realized that my penis had shrunk. I was terrified and I also noticed that I couldn't get it up. We were walkin home around 2:00 am and it came to my attention that I had been clenching/tensing my wrists for hours without noticing. It had become kind of painful but I couldn't stop. So I continued to make small twitching movements since I knew I couldn't control them.

Everytime I heard a car as we walked down the street, my head would involuntarily turn quickly toward the noise. I was constantly looking around me. The paranoia of being pulled over by police was magnified by a hundred. I felt like a complete tweaker. We walked around town aimlessly for about an hour and a half before one of my friends suggested going home before we got into trouble. I didn't want my adventure to end but I went home anyway. I was wide awake and knew i couldn't sleep and even though I was safe inside my home, I had a feeling of nervousness. I felt insecure and a little bit scared. This feeling didn't last long though. As I was coming down, I felt extremely relaxed and carefree.

My experience with meth was unbelievable to me as a first timer. It made me think about and consider things I hadn't thought of before and kept me happy. I love the way it made my body feel, except for my penis shrinkage and the weird twitching. I don't know too much about the negative effects to the human mind and body but I will look into it before I do it a second time. I think this drug is wonderful and I'm anxious to try it again.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16248
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 27, 2007Views: 15,756
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Methamphetamine (37) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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