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Stuck In A Mind Loop
Morning Glory
Citation:   A. Austin. "Stuck In A Mind Loop: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp16422)". May 16, 2005.

230 seeds oral Morning Glory (tea)
Dose 220-240 seeds, chewed to a paste and steeped in hot water for an hour then strained. Liquid consumed and residue steeped in water again and strained and drunk once more.

Time consumed: 1800hrs. On empty stomach.

I am a hypnotherapist/Neurolinguist and am well versed in different artificially induced altered states, having run an experimental group for the past 5 years. I have gained insights and benefit from every other brain change experiment I have carried out except for my first morning glory (over seven years previously) experience in which I can describe as being in a mind loop. I was keen to retry morning glory to see what I could achieve with the experience.

I've always been lucky in that I'm quite a high placebo responder. Thus immediately after consuming the liquid I began to feel a bit 'woozy' – my common reaction on taking any psychotropic. This effect as usual, lasted about 15 minutes.

By 7pm, one full hour after consumption I first began to notice the effects of the morning glory whilst sat in the bath and trying to scrub my back – the soap appeared to be particularly slippery and I was having trouble co-coordinating my arms. The mental effects were minimal and only slightly 'speedy'. Reality was fairly well fixed and I experienced none of the 'sliding' motion as with other psychedelics.

This slight difficulty in coordination didn't increase with time and remained only slight but I did begin to notice a flashing all around my peripheral vision. At first I thought maybe that the light bulb was about to expire or maybe was flickering. It wasn't. This flashing effect lasted no more than two minutes.

At eight o'clock I was talking to someone via the internet and began to feel an irritation and frustration whilst typing. No problems with coordinating the fingers, just the mental effort to do so was proving a frustration and an acute nausea was building with a degree of stomach upset to boot. The nausea lasted over half an hour until at about 830pm I ate a bowl of cereal to try and dilute the effects on my stomach. This had the desired effect and by 9pm I felt as though all effects from the seeds had finished. I felt disappointed having had only minor psychotropic changes and wondered about the quality of the seeds. Maybe I hadn't taken enough.

930pm, having been up since 5am for work, I went to bed only to find the effects beginning to build once again, this time with a distinct 'revving up' of mental function in a most unpleasant way. Usually with any form of psychedelic agent I experience a sliding and fluidity of thought processes with interconnection of ideas and thoughts of reference. Mostly I have learned to control the flow and am usually able to control the direction of flow in order to gain insights and understandings not normally accessible to normal consciousness. However in this mental state I was neither able to sleep or to gain any control so I simply let go, to see where the effect would take me. What the result of this was to take me into a strange kind of loop – a mental state not going anywhere except endlessly repeating on itself. (In NLP terminology, a TOTE without exit) A very unpleasant state midway between sleep and consciousness.

At 10pm, 4 hours after consumption, I came fully to consciousness and feeling mentally rough indeed went to use the bathroom, hoping that this would help break the mental state, but even whilst up and moving around, the unpleasantness continued. I was unable to break my mental state and felt painfully tired but unable to achieve any depth of sleep.

On getting back into bed, I noticed strange feedback from my muscles and experienced fasciculations in my thighs and my knees felt quite stiff (for no reason that I could think of). I also felt a great number of twitches and began to wonder if sexual sensation might have been increased had my girlfriend been present. This wondering only lasted for a few minutes before I found myself back inside the unpleasant mind-loop once more.

To try and directionalise this, and to relax my mind a bit, I began meditation with my usually mantra (which usually will put me to sleep within minutes) but I found it impossible to concentrate and again felt the irritation and frustration rising. This served to make the effects of the mental-loop stronger and more unpleasant.

At 11pm I awoke to full consciousness again having spent the previous hour mostly in a strange kind of unpleasant twilight of sleep, unable to break out of the mind set and again I needed to use the bathroom (on this point, I find that all psychedelic type drugs create an increase in dieresis in me – even hashish does the same if I have a trippy time on it too). By 1130 pm, five and a half hours from time of ingestion, I finally noticed the effects diminishing and shortly after midnight, feeling drained, exhausted and glad it was all over, the last of the effects had finished completely. I fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, with no stomach upset but feeling a bit hung over with a headache and feeling as though I hadn't slept but noticeably dehydrated, I was glad I wasn't required at work that day.

This second experience with morning glory was identical to the first, despite having been separated by at least 7 years and is probably one of the milder, but wholly most unpleasant experiences during my researches into altered states. Any fluidity of thought and especially internal visual processes were inhibited and no insight gained. Definitely not recommended.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16422
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 16, 2005Views: 9,061
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Morning Glory (38) : Preparation / Recipes (30), General (1), Alone (16)

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