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Light-Hearted Fun
by Fict
Citation:   Fict. "Light-Hearted Fun: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp16478)". Aug 1, 2002.

T+ 0:00
12 mg oral 2C-T-2
  T+ 5:30 1 cup oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
I'd been eagerly looking forward to trying an altogether-new compound. Prior to this, I hadn't had a psychedelic experience in a few months, and I was feeling in the mood for something light-hearted and not terribly intense. In general, tryptamines tend to leave me mentally exhausted, if not with a renewed sense of spirituality. While this is all well and good, it simply wasn't what I was looking for. I wanted good, clean fun, and that's exactly what I got. Perhaps that can be taken as credit to the versatility of this substance and the importance of mindset on any given experience. I guess further research will be required.

I'm not on any OTC or prescription meds, and hadn't taken any dietary supplements of vitamins in several days. This all took place in my house, by my self, around 10:30 PM on a Monday night.

As is typical for me, I made sure that I would have privacy for the experiment, and straightened up around the house and made my bed and whatnot prior to dosing. I consider myself to be a fairly competent and experienced tripper, and didn’t use a sitter. I would, however, recommend that others have a knowledgeable sober person around to keep an eye on them. And hey, maybe to chat with, too. Hehe.

On to the report:

My 2C-T-2 arrived yesterday, and, not being one to waste a perfectly good opportunity to sample a new material, I decided to try it that night.

I weighed out 12 mg of the off-white, clumpy powder, and dissolved it in a glass of orange juice. Being altogether new to the 2C-compounds, I was slightly nervous, and very excited to be trying a completely new chemical. I spaced-out my sips on the OJ in an effort to stave off any potential nausea, and finished the drink in about a half-hour. If 2C-T-2 has any significant taste, it was completely overpowered by the OJ.

The first effects were noted about a half-hour after finishing the drink. I felt energetic, a bit tense, and sure enough, a moderate amount of nausea.

The visual effects kicked in about the same time as somatic effects. Splashes of neon colors decorated the otherwise bare walls, and colors appeared warmer. Contrast between different colors was enhanced, resulting in textures appearing more three-dimensional. Looking at paintings was an absolute joy, as the scenery moved ever-so-slightly, with parts of the illustrations seeming to pop-out from the picture. It was almost like looking through a window into another setting just beyond the wall.

The coming-up phase was very smooth, despite some transient nausea here and there. The effects seemed to sneak in without my noticing, until they reached a very comfortable, controlled plateau. At the very instant I had reached the peak, my body seemed to regain its full composure, and my stomach finally settled down once and for all.

At some point, I decided to go outside and sit on my deck. Dilated pupils gave way to a sky filled with stars, normally filtered through less-sensitive eyes. The stars twinkled and wiggled, and I found that if I relaxed, lines were drawn between them in the sky. “So this why they drew constellations!” There’s no doubt in my mind that the world’s early astronomers were on mushrooms when they decided to connect-the-dots.

After coming back in, I decided to play some music. A bit of down-tempo electronica revealed the drugs ability to enhance not only the enjoyment of dancing, but also the skill of the dancer. The music seemed to move my body without my thinking about it, and I found my motions more fluid than I’ve ever been able to achieve sober, or under the influence of any other chemical, for that matter.

I listened to some Bjork a bit later, and found that her music produced some amazing, though faint, CEV’s. I could see the violins cascading around her voice, shifting colors with the tone, and the bass line jumping up through the melody every so often. As the instruments faded in and out, so did the visuals. Her voice seemed more exquisite than ever, and I marveled at her ability to modulate her vocal cords with such precision and accuracy. Absolutely marvelous.

Mentally, the drug didn’t do a whole lot for me. My mood was dramatically elevated, but the state of mind that I was in was simply not useful. With MDMA, the world seems to be put in proper perspective, allowing me to examine my life and the lives of others from a very objective, but caring point of view. With 2C-T-2, however, I had a hard time getting beyond the effects of the drug. Perhaps this is merely because it was my first time with this particular chemical, and the goal of this trip was simply to evaluate the effects. Surely, during my first experience of MDMA, I was too wrapped up in the effects to worry much about the world around me.

At around 4:00, I drank a beer to ease the come-down a bit, and I was able to get to sleep around 4:30 AM, about 6 hours after the initial ingestion. I woke up at 1:00 in the afternoon, did a few things around the house, and then continued to nap until around 5:00 PM. I woke up feeling a bit groggy, but at the same time I felt that I had pushed myself out of the apathetic daze I’d been in for several days prior to the experiment.

In conclusion, 2C-T-2 definitely makes my A-list. It’s a wonderful compound, and what it lacks in terms of depth and spiritual quality, it makes up for with its sheer entertainment value. Happy travels.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16478
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 1, 2002Views: 13,830
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2C-T-2 (53) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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