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Salvie Hates Me
DXM & Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Croc_HunterDM. "Salvie Hates Me: An Experience with DXM & Salvia divinorum (exp16487)". Aug 2, 2002.

T+ 0:00
8 oz oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 4:00 2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
Ah, word. The Dirty Souf still rolls along, and while cleaning up my place one day I found that I still had a hefty dose of 5x salvia lying around. As you may recall, I'm currently not supposed to have any 'narcotics' in my possession, and although salvia is completely legal, I'm sure there are a bevy of law enforcement officials who'd love to throw me in the county lock-up for a few days while the sample gets sent to the lab. And when the sample came back negative for marijuana, they'd no doubt still charge me with some lame-ass law like 'possession of an imitation controlled substance.'

Long story short, I decided to finish up the salvia. I took out the old tried and true bong, L'il Jr. (after dusting it off from lack of use), attatched the extension device, filled it up with some water, and packed up the entire remains of my salvia supply. Now bear in mind this was 5x, you need sparingly little to break through anyway, and I think I packed in at least twice the amount I usually had smoked. About 4 hours prior to this I had slurped down 8oz of Max Tussin goodness, and it was kinda starting to wear off.

I turned off all the lights and lit one candle, and then lit the bong. It was a weird sensation to be smoking a bong once again... the smoke tasted not bitter, but not good either, it kind of had a wooden quality to it. I barely remember placing the bong down before I was suddenly taken for quite the ride.

The label that came on the salvia warns buyers quite specifically: 'Do not ingest, audio and tactile hallucinations may occur, do not take while driving.' Imagine if salvia became the new trucker's drug...
Anyway, audio and tactile indeed! As was characteristic of all my other salvia trips, I seemed to find myself in some kind of stage/TV studio/amusement park ride setting, where everything was big, fake, and I had no other place in life but to perform very silly repetetive actions every 5 minutes. Everything felt like rubber, further influencing my hallucination. I sort of remember blowing out the candle in a vain attempt to combat the salvia trip; alas it didn't really work.

Let's cut this short, because I really don't remember much about the trip after putting down the bong. I came to about 20 minutes later to find most of the place trashed, things knocked over, the bong leaking on the carpet, etc. (luckily it's an acrylic) I kind of fully regained my senses while I was standing in the door- apparently I was trying to run out of the apartment in an attempt to leave the salvia space. Once again in control of my faculties, I went to the bathroom to wash up, because I was quite sweaty. Ack! There was a huge bruise on the right side of my forehead, almost a cut, but starting to turn black.

The next day I discovered more injuries: Further bumps and bruises all over my head, as well as rug burns on my legs and hands. What in the bloody fuck was I doing?

Well, suffice to say that this is the last time I'm ever going to fuck with Salvia. Ever since I first bought the stuff two years ago it's been one bad trip after another with maybe only one really good experience. And it really only got easier (worse) to have a bad experience when I started buying the 5x.

So Lady Salvia, whatever the hell you are, stay out of my head! Hopefully all the bruises will cause the last of your metabolites to leak out of my brain and leave me in peace.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16487
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 2, 2002Views: 41,487
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DXM (22), Salvia divinorum (44) : Difficult Experiences (5), Health Problems (27), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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