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Overview of Combinations
Paroxetine, LSD, Alcohol, Cannabis, Mushrooms, MDMA, Methamphetamine, Cocaine, & Ketamine
Citation:   SeroxBoy. "Overview of Combinations: An Experience with Paroxetine, LSD, Alcohol, Cannabis, Mushrooms, MDMA, Methamphetamine, Cocaine, & Ketamine (exp16551)". Nov 10, 2003.

20 mg oral Pharms - Paroxetine (daily)
I am a 20 year old male who has been taking paroxetine four months now at a dose of 20 mg/day. I have been using cannabis and speed recreationally for over five years now, but my usage of other drugs has only occurred over the past year or so. The account below represents my experience of paroxetine in combination with the following drugs:

Speed - No real change in effects apart from a noticeable increase in sweating. Comedown seems much less harsh.

Cannabis - extreme increase in effects, once to the point of confusion and fear. Basically like being incredibly stoned off very little weed - the effects of a heavy night's smoke from less than half a joint.

Ecstasy - DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY!!!! As has been widely reported I found paroxetine reduces the effect of ecstasy to nothing - yes nothing! No jaw clenching, no wide pupils, no rushes, no euphoria, no increase in energy, no love. The only effects I have noticed are nausea (actually less than usual with ecstasy alone) and a long-lasting prickly tingling feeling in the skin. Also in my experience it appears that no matter how many pills are taken it is impossible to feel even a semblance of the usual ecstasy experience - I have tried double-dropping, triple-dropping and only a month ago I double-dropped followed by two more pills within the space of an hour and a half - still nothing. This was the fifth time I had combined paroxetine with ecstasy, I had kind of hoped that before I'd just been unlucky with the pills but this time I was with a group of friends and it was quite obvious that everyone was buzzing their faces off, even those who had only taken one pill.

LSD - Contrary to other reports I have found that the effects of acid are not reduced as such, but that they become more manageable. On previous occasions I have occasionally freaked out on acid and required talking down, yet when combined with paroxetine I find I welcome the trip with open arms. Visual distortions, changes in depth perception etc. are all still present in full, yet I have found that these seem much more enchanting/exciting than fearful or confusing as they occasionally did before I was prescribed paroxetine. Generally I have had more mystical and exciting experiences on acid when taken with paroxetine than when not. Although this may simply be due to the fact that paroxetine seems to have diminished my sense of worry, paranoia etc. and increased my overall confidence.

Cocaine - I have never noticed any change in effects when using coke with paroxetine, apart from an unpleasant nausea which was not previously present with coke alone.

Mushrooms - Absolutely no change in effects whatsoever.

Ketamine - I am not a big fan of ket, and have only taken it three times - twice before being prescribed paroxetine and once after, The effects seem a little reduced, the physical effects more greatly so - I was still able to walk around and communicate as normal even after six generous (!) lines. On the two previous occasions this became difficult after the third line and impossible after the fourth.

Alcohol - Out of all the aforementioned drugs, the interaction between paroxetine and alcohol is the one I have definitely found the worst! I am never ever violent and usually keep it to myself if I find anything/anyone irritating or offensive. Yet I have found that even when I've drunk as little as two pints in combination with paroxetine, I just lose it - I pick fights, I attack my friends' opinions as I am convinced I am the only one who can ever be right, I find non-existent faults in my girlfriend and others, I make extremely sick jokes about race, gender etc and then become aggressive when people tell me I'm acting like a prize twat. And then I wake up the next morning and it all seems like a blur - paroxetine has defintely reduced my alcohol intake and I now only occasionally drink small amounts when socialising with close friends.

These are solely my experiences with paroxetine, I have never been prescribed another antidepressant drug. And, through contact with other antidepressant users, I can almost certainly say that different SSRIs have vastly different interactions with psychoactives - for example I have a friend who has been on prozac for over four years - he reports no change whatsoever to the effects of ecstasy and yet, though the effects are still noticeable, experiences greatly reduced visual distortions on acid.

Happy Tripping!!!

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16551
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 10, 2003Views: 22,236
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Pharms - Paroxetine (148) : Not Applicable (38), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3)

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