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A Trip to the Emergency Room
Citation:   Very Lucky Guy. "A Trip to the Emergency Room: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp16646)". Aug 8, 2002.

25 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT
BODY WEIGHT: 60.75 kg
It has my fifth time taking Foxy. My first time I did 6 mg. My second time I did 10. My 3rd and 4th I took 15mg. This time I took 25 mg on a light stomach. I had no physical problems with lower dosages, and the trip was coming up smoothly. At around t +3 I began to feel as if there was no blood flowing to my extremeties. I got worried and tried to move to run outside but I was stiffening up. I then started to lose conciousness. I immediately began moving my arms and legs rapidly to try to keep circulation flowing.

I got my friends to drive me to the hospital, but we drove around it several times because I felt I was running on adrenaline, but it started to wear off and I became faint again. I said 'Fuck it. Take me in.' I was tripping so hard I couldn't tell if it was sensory distortions making me feel this way or if my body was shutting down. I wouldn't have worried except when I became flush and stiff. We went in, I told them I took something they had no idea what it was. I told them every name there is for 5-MeO-DiPT. They still had no idea what it was. They tried to tell me it was something else, which made me even more scared. I began to feel absolutely terrible mentally for being in the E.R watching my girlfriend cry.

I still can't decide if I would have been okay if I hadn't gone. The doctors left me by myself and weren't to concerned which make me feel I was just tripping out, but the bodily distress was terrible. I should add that when I took the chemical I had absolutely no nausea at all. I felt fine and the bad effects came after my peak. The doctors strapped me to an e.k.g and took some blood samples and shot me up with Ativan and sent me home. Could the e.r have been avoided? Maybe. Could I have died maybe? I guess I can only regret going to the e.r because I'm alive. Otherwise how knows what may have happened. People if you going to dabble in these mysterious drugs stick to Shulgin's doses. If you want to have the trip of your life take acid.

In conclusion, I have learned that these chemicals are no toys and they are not like most other drugs. Remember there is no information about what is actually happening in your body when you consume these chemicals. There is no LD50 or anything there is one entry on the MSDS and its the melting point. I'm sure by the time these drugs are fully studied they will be illegal. I still believe that a 6mg dose of Foxy is an enjoyable, but mild experience, but it should not be toyed with at high doses.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16646
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 8, 2002Views: 17,944
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Health Problems (27)

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