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Past My Limit on Triple C
DXM (with CPM)
Citation:   Chuck. "Past My Limit on Triple C: An Experience with DXM (with CPM) (exp16673)". Feb 5, 2005.

  oral DXM (pill / tablet)
      Chlorpheniramine Maleate  
The first time I took c's was about a year ago. My friend just got out of lock up an knew about some pills that would get you geeked. At this time I was trying to find drugs; basicly pain killers, shrooms, or acid, but I could not find any of them. So my friend got me to do these C's that he knew about being lock up, and I couldn't find anything else.

So I took 8 C's and so did he. About 30 minuits later he asked me if I could feel them, and I didn't know what they'd do so I was yeah I guess so becuase I felt a little weird. We were crossing the street and my friend was having trouble. I was like damn I guess I’m not feeling them. About 3-4 hours later is when they actually hit me. I was driving down the street and it became crazy. I let my other friend drive and was completely disorented. I didn't know what was going on.

The next day I still felt them and was worried that the crazy feeling would never go away. It did, but I didn't think I would ever do them again. Word got around my city right next to ------- and next thing you know I’m on them again and so is half the city. I binged. I would take them often 4-5 times a week or less. It was so fun. But strange things happened at times while on them, I would think that everything was how do I say, planed, things were happening like 'set up' and I thought someone was and angel, and another girl the devil. I thought the same girl was the devil more than once and I would flip out on her calling her the devil. It was very strange. So I went on for almost a year binging on this amazing drug, not realizing it had the potental to kill me.

The worst most crazy thing happened when I took the coricidens with pain releif and later smoked a blunt. I was walking away from where I was smoking a blunt in a park and next thing I know it seem like the sun was coming towards me. I ran behind a tree into shade and it stopped. I was tripping out. a strange thing was that some dude with a tattoo of the reaper was around and I think it all had something to do with death. Strange.

Theres no way I can tell you the complete story of how these pills affected my life, but after about 10 months I would take the pills and feel sick or puke. It happened the last couple times I took them. I am worried that this may mean that the pills have destroyed my liver an I may die in a few years, becuase I heard that about 2 years later some people just die. I quit doing C's and even quit drinking. I would like any information on physical long term affects of this crap. I had lots of fun on them but thats all over, what isnt over is the fact that I can go at any time.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16673
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 5, 2005Views: 23,658
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DXM (22) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Unknown Context (20)

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