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Wisdom Form God Himself
Morning Glory & Passion Flower
Citation:   Sammysluggs. "Wisdom Form God Himself: An Experience with Morning Glory & Passion Flower (exp16685)". Feb 24, 2007.

200 seeds oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
    oral Passion Flower (ground / crushed)

Early this spring of 2002, I purchased 5 packs of morning glory seeds from Roses, labeled 'flying saucers' and 'heavenly blue'. For some reason, the flying saucers were $2.00, and the heavenly blue were $1.75. (same brand, same weight, same # of seeds) Only difference was that the flying saucers were white while the heavenly blue were black.

Early April, I planted all five packs in a small part of my back yard. Why didn't I eat any? Because of the fungicides, which are poisonous. So three weeks later, they started vining. All summer I watched in expectation as they continued to grow, soon overtaking the trellace.

Fast forwarding a little bit>>>>> In late July/early August, the seedpods started turning brown. I got the bright idea to harvest them. I got up early every morning to pick the new seedpods. Separating the seeds from the pod coverings was the tedious part. It took 30 minutes at a time each day. Then when that part was done I had just black seeds and white seeds.

Now that it was just seeds, I put them to my glass mortar and pestle. I softened them with a few drops of water so they would break easier. Then I beat them to a fine powder. With that done I put them in a medicine container till the special day came.


It was August 6th, 2002, and I got up at 6:30 am. I ate a cheerio bar and drank some water, and that was breakfast. On my way out the door I grabbed a small amount of homegrown powdered passionflower leaf, and mixed it with the seeds. I grabbed my board and was off to my friend's house. I got there around 8:30 am.
[Erowid Note: Combining MAOIs like passion flower with other psychoactive drugs carries serious medical risks and can result in extremely unpleasant side effects, overheating, nausea, confusion, heart problems, and even death. Please see Erowid's MAOI Vault]

I am an 11th grader, and my two friends are a 9th grader and a 5th grader. The 5th grader, we will refer to as 'Thug', and the 9th grader we will refer to as 'M'. When I got there, they were just waking up and their mom said she was out to get them some breakfast at Hardee's. As she pulled out of the driveway, I produced the doses of MG to two happy friends. We opened the medicine bottles, said cheers, and swallowed them whole.

15 minutes later, thier mom was back with biscuits. I ate a jelly biscuit, but before I could finish it, I felt a wave of ainxiety come over me. Thier mom was asking me simple questions but I had a hard time answering them. I had also lost my appetite and couldn't finish the biscuit. At this point (30 min. after ingestion) I started having stomache cramps.

It took another thirty minutes to get everyone ready to go skate for the day. M was puking and we told his mom he was probably sick from the biscuit. I got the bright idea to go outside and puke all my breakfast out too. Mabye the potency of the MG was too strong. After that, I don't really remember the exact times because time was so distorted. I know that we left to go skate uptown when M was feeling better. I found out that Thug had only taken half of his dose. That was ok with me because he is soo small. It probably would have been too much for him.

I remember walking on the railroad and it took a whole hour to walk 1/4 of a mile. The faster we walked, the longer it took to get where we were going. When we got uptown, we ran into my dad at the drugstore. Good thing I had my sunglasses on. I would have been in big trouble if he had seen my eyes. They were so blood-shot and dialated. After we left the drugstore, we sat in the bus stop until we decided what to do. After much deliberation, we skated up to my high school.

The Colors were so vibrant. The sky was painted in rainbow shades. Interconnecting rainbow stars were all over the sky. There were patterns in every inch of cement or concrete that I could see. We went in the TCBY across from my school and got some water. By that time I was tripping like hell. The woodstain in the table was dancing back and forth, zooming in and out, and swirling. I kept staring at it and I felt myself getting lost inside of it. Rainbows were everywhere. I looked down at my stomache and it was pulsing. Acid always does that to me for some reason.

Then we went to the skateshop. There was a kid that came in with a shaved head. His head looked like it was too tall one minute and then it would look normal the next. I felt sorry for him, I thought he was retarded or somthing. Then I realized that I was just seeing things. When we left the skateshop we went and just laid down beside the highway and stared at the sky. Colors were buzzing and swirling everywhere. Then we decided to get up and try to act normal so the police wouldn't come and arrest us for being intoxicated.

We walked a short distance from the skate shop to a church. On the way we saw a bank and the front of it looked as if it was bulging way out. When we got to the church, M said he didn't know how we got there so fast. I said I thought it took way too long to get to the church. Thug said he wanted to sleep. At that point M was thinking really abstract. He said, 'What if we were all just a person's dream.' 'What if when they woke up, we were gone, like we never existed?' Scary huh?

It was 99 degrees F out so we got water, which was extremely hard to find at a gas station which stocked mostly alcoholic beverages. We drank the water and headed back in the direction of the skateshop. On the way back I had a huge revalation. God spoke to me. I saw my friends beside me. We always have such fun together. I also saw that life is not eternal and would end one of these days. I saw that I was trying to have fun with my friends on acid. But we always had fun anyway. We never needed acid to have fun. I saw that I was throwing away somthing very special. Gods gift, friendship. It hit me so hard I was too choked up for words. I couldn't talk for a whole 30 min.

Soon after that, the Highness and distortion of the trip was gone. All I experianced was the vibrant rainbow colors and patterns floating across the sky. The rest of the day I skated with my friends. We had the best time we had ever had together after he got over being high. I ollied a 5 set of stairs at my school. We met Girls there too. Boy were they hot!! Thug yelled at them and said, 'Hey sexy!!!' And kept talking about how they probably had nice coochies. He is a crazy kid.

The passion flower had to have amplified the LSA because I was still trippin hard even after I threw up everything. The following day I thought that I caught a few glimpses of acid visuals. 3 days later, I Still can envision them in my mind, surprising how powerful the sober mind can be isn't it?

I personally have no use for acid anymore. It used to be a thing to do when I was by myself, being grounded by my mom for somthing stupid. Now, the funny thing is that it actually takes the fun out of life. I guess you could call me a burn-out. I'm burnt out on drugs.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16685
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 24, 2007Views: 10,280
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