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Being Hit By a Ton of Bricks
by Fred
Citation:   Fred. "Being Hit By a Ton of Bricks: An Experience with Cannabis (exp16686)". Dec 1, 2004.

3 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I had been smoking weed for just under a year, and had had good and bad experiences, but mainly good ones. I always was the one who paid for the herb, since I have such a good job for a high school student, so I always had money. But, that wasn't to say that I liked paying for it. I was always looking for good deals on good bud, so that I didn't have to spend so much money. Well, one night at work one of my co-workers told me that he could get me a quarter of dank for only $25. So, I said that I wanted to buy some from him, and the next night I went out to the middle of the ghetto to wait in his car while he went inside his dealers house to pick up the bud.

It looked like schwag, but he insisted that it was good, high grade stuff, the stuff that he smoked every day. Well, the several plans that I had fell through that night, so I decided to call up one of my friends and see if he wanted to try out this new weed with me. He naturally wanted to, so I went and picked him up.

As I drove, he packed the first bowl, and began to smoke. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!] We smoked 3 or 4 bowls before going to a local neighborhood under construction to park and smoke some more (there were not many people living there so it was a good smoke spot that many people went to). Well, after a slow onset, I realized that I was really stoned when we finally got there and parked the car. My friend, being a major stoner, said that he was not very high. He got out of the car to smoke a cigarette, but I stayed in the car because at this point I was starting to feel strange, unlike the normal high that I usually get. Suddenly something hit me like a ton of bricks, and made me more messed up than I'de ever been in my life. It was not a weed high at all, but something very different.

All of a sudden I was totally out of it, and couldn't think straight at all. Nothing made sense and I felt like my brain could not think about anything, but all that I could do was see whatever I was looking at. I didn't have any thoughts going on in my head, which was really scary because it felt like I was dead. I got out of the car and just started to walk around, but it was more of a stumbled drunk walk. This part was weird because I don't even really remember getting out of the car to walk around. But, I remember being on my feet one moment, then the next moment I was on the ground. I had lost consciousness for a split second and fallen down on the ground, hitting my head against the pavement, but I didn't feel anything. The severely messed up feeling that I had kept getting more intense, and I just laid on the ground for about a minute. My friend asked what I was doing, and all I said was 'this stuff is laced man.'

I got up off the ground and walked to my car where I started to sweat like I've never sweated before, and my body temperature rose about 10 degrees. I was so hot and sweating so much I didn't know what was happening to me. The incredibly messed up feeling that I had started to go down, and about 5 minutes after I had been what I describe as being hit by a ton of bricks, I felt the original high again. This was maybe the 5 scariest minutes of my life, and I don't know what had happened to me. I told my friend what happened, and he insisted that it was not laced. In fact, he said that he wasn't very high at all, and said that the stuff we smoked was schwag, and was not very good. I sold the rest of what I had to him because I wasn't planning on smoking anymore of it, but he, being a pothead wanted any weed he could get.

The next day at work I told my friend who had sold it to me what happened, and he just looked at me like I was crazy. When I told him that my other friend whom I had smoked it with had said it was schwag, he just told me that it was not schwag, but was some good high grade, and he kept insisting that it was good stuff.

I don't know what was the deal with that weed, but I'll never buy stuff from a source that I don't know again. My experience taught me that I need to be more careful when im experimenting, and that it can be fun, but it can also be dangerous, and I need to take all the precautions necesary to make sure that I don't hurt myself.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16686
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 1, 2004Views: 15,139
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Cannabis (1) : What Was in That? (26), Health Problems (27), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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