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I Hate It!
Citation:   Becky. "I Hate It!: An Experience with Paroxetine (exp16746)". Nov 10, 2003.

20 mg oral Pharms - Paroxetine (daily)
In the start of my freshman year I started to feel really sad and angry at the world. I stopped going to school, and spent the days at home, playing the playstation, sleeping and watching TV. I never really connected with my classmates and was always an outsider anyway, but after living like this for a bit, I stopped seeing the friends I had and spent alot of time on my own.

Normally I'm really adventurous, hardworking and outgoing, but at that point I started to question where my life was going and wonder if it was worth the effort. Nothing mattered anymore. My parents found out I rarely went to school and decided I must be being bullied. This wasn’t really true, but I wasn't happy at my school, and being a new yorker, thought Scotland was a real drag. They let me stay off school for a couple of weeks and looked into new schools, but they saw my mood wasn’t improving they took me to the doctors. The doctor decided that I was depressed, and perscribed me 20 mg of Paroxetine. I thought this was a bit hasty, but I took it anyway, anything to make me feel better.

After two weeks it started to work, and I had a more positive outlook on life, much improved by the fact I'd moved to a selective private school which I had lots of friends. The weird thing was, I had a big manic type episode around that Christmas time; shoplifting, overspending, being arrested, drinking huge amounts, and eating so much cannabis resin that I had hallicinations and went completely nuts. I also never needed to sleep or eat, and felt permanantly full of energy. My dad noticed this and took me back to the doctor who decided I was a manic depressive?! Our family had to go to this fucking shrink who made tons of stupid comments so my parents blew them off and walked out. I started acting much more like myself by January, so they decided to take me off Paroxetine.

I thought it would be easy, but I was very wrong. The first time I tried was in march, and I felt dizzy, neaseous, weak and really really sick. I went back on them on a reduced dose. It is now august, and I’m in the middle of the withdrawl. slowly I’m starting to feel better, and I've not taken paroxetine for over a week. I felt awful and spent the whole week in bed. I also did some research and found that many medical professionals have found that a number of people find it very difficult to stop taking this drug, and experience jolting sensations, dizziness, lethargy and neasea. It took a long time to battle through this withdrawal, and the drug was badly prescribed as changing school seemed to help me alot more. From now on, I’m going to think very carefully when picking up a prescription, and I'd urge everyone reading this to do the same.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16746
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 10, 2003Views: 16,351
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Pharms - Paroxetine (148) : Not Applicable (38), Depression (15), Health Problems (27), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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