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Kitty Heaven
Catnip, Ginger & Cannabis
Citation:   Projekt Skunkjar. "Kitty Heaven: An Experience with Catnip, Ginger & Cannabis (exp16754)". Feb 24, 2007.

T+ 0:00
7 flowers oral Catnip (tea)
  T+ 0:00 1 Tbsp oral Ginger (tea)
  T+ 0:12 1 cig. smoked Catnip (flowers)
  T+ 0:40 7 flowers oral Catnip (tea)
  T+ 2:20 3 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 2:20 1 cig. smoked Catnip (flowers)
Made tea from 7 1.5' catnip flowers, 1 Tsp ful of ground ginger,
1 Tsp fresh clover honey. Here is the report.

T+ 5 min: Tastes like real strong mint tea. I like it.

T+ 12: Smoke 1 cig (aprox 1 gm) catnip flower, tastes a lot like the tea, quite minty and tasty! Aprox 1/2 done with Joint, I feel more relaxed. Could this really be working??!!

T+ 20: About 1/2 tea left, heavy menthol flavor. Not at all trippy, but certainly slows mental processes. I did smoke aprox 2 gm of Beasters (commercial, Cansdian hydro buds) throughout the day, unsure if this is like a rebuzz, or something wholly different.

T+ 40: Still not baseline, Try More tea, only stronger.

T+ 1.10: Just finished second cup of tea, no ginger this time. Again I used the same amount of catnip, but I boiled it instead of steeping it, to the same effect. Time seems to go a bit faster, whilst remaining very relaxed. The real strong flavor in the first cup was the ginger, which had seemingly no effect other than flavor.

T+ 2.20: Smoke 3 more hits of Beasters, reach expected high. About to smoke another J of catnip (deseeded this time). Joint adds another dimension to my stone. Taste of catnip is much more pallatable w/o seeds!

Overall, there is a nice but very mild sedative/depressant effect to catnip.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16754
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 24, 2007Views: 13,619
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