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I Couldn't Stop Smiling
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   Napoleon. "I Couldn't Stop Smiling: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp16761)". Nov 22, 2004.

2.2 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
My friend had brought back some mushrooms from out west and I decided to give them a try. Mushrooms have always been fun for me because I go into a state of bliss, laughter and happiness. These shrooms were fun, but they were a little different.

I usually eat about an eighth of the shrooms I get around here, but he warned me that these shrooms were very strong so I took less. About a half hour after I ate the shrooms, I felt I was getting high. I went over to my friends house to watch The Patriot. The visuals I got off these shrooms were much harder than any other shrooms. What I saw was everything having it's own defined space, very defined borders if that makes sense. Then I started tripping harder.

About and hour into the trip, I was tripping so hard I actually thought that a wrinkle in my black coat was a cobra talking to me. I didn't speak out loud to it, but had a conversation in my head with it for about 10 minutes or so. Then I noticed that everything on the tv looked like it was from the Matrix, numbers running up and down, I shit you not. For the next hour or so, I felt like I was dreaming, but I was able to remember all the details of my dream. My friend told me my eyes were rolled back into my skull. I would describe the feeling as euphoric, which must have been when I was peaking. I am glad I went into this state because I was not seeing things right before I got to that state. People's faces looked like the Umpa loompa's from Willy Wonka, and it kind of freaked me out.

After the movie, I helped them do a chore. I had no concept of time whatsoever. 5 minutes could have been an hour to me, I had no idea. In fact, my friends played a trick on me when I went to the bathroom. They ran and hid in the hall and shut all the lights off, I had no idea if I had been in the bathroom for hours and they had left me or what. Turns out that they were just messing with me and I had only been there for a minute or so.

With mushrooms, as with any drugs, make sure you are in a comfortable environment. I was comfortable and I had a lot of fun. Sounds seemed very distorted and it was one of the few times I've tripped pretty hard visually with mushrooms. My motor skills were not good at all. I didn't imagine things that weren't there, it was more like colors and shapes were very distorted to me. That went along with being very very high the entire night. I will also say this, mushrooms make everything 'funny' to an extent, I couldn't stop smiling. The only negatives I'd say associated with mushrooms are loose stools the next day and a little bit of fear that came from the thinking when I was high. I started thinking about things in my life that were painful that were there but I hadn't really thought of before. Shrooms give me some perspective on my life if I take my trips that way. I've shroomed about 20 times or so and I'd say 90% of the times have been fun. They can be scary but only in high doses from what I've found.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16761
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 22, 2004Views: 7,319
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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