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Citation:   Necrotting. "Rathgiver: An Experience with DXM (exp17013)". Sep 19, 2007.

960 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
I began seriously experimenting with DXM about 5 months ago. I've done weed and alcohol, but nothing really serious. I remember thanking god that a drug this good was legal. Music was incredible to listen to, and I liked the general dizzy feeling. The only major side effect I noticed was a general slowing down of speech; it was very difficult to get my mouth to form words, even though I could hear them in my head. I'd usually do it on the weekends, since I was still in high school. Gradually, I made it up to 1 1/2 boxes of the stuff.

But then I moved over with my mother to wait for college to start, and I began to use it around every other day. I made it up to 2 boxes. At that level, your equilibrium becomes seriously messed up. I'd literally stumble around the house, and I'd easily fall down just trying to walk a couple of feet. One night I did it, and about an hour later I went to get my cat out of my mom's room. On the way out of the room, I fell and hit my head against a dresser. I remember not struggling when I began to fall; I resigned myself to the fact that it was going to happen. I hit hard. Afterwards, I felt extremely nauseous. I couldn't stand up without wanting to throw up. In my room, I fell again and hurt my foot quite badly. My mom helped me into bed and propped up my foot. She didn't know that I was high until I had to tell her the next morning.

About an hour later, the pain in the foot was still the same, and I still couldn't walk. I ended up in the emergency room. In my urine sample, I tested positive for opiates. I ended up being fine, but I went home feeling like the biggest idiot ever to live. DXM can be a great tool. When I do it 3 days straight, it can become a zenlike experience. I've since found out that the pills can cause irregular heartbeat, and I've certainly been feeling that. My heart will sometimes race, even if you're lying down. I hope it will wear off eventually.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17013
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 19, 2007Views: 11,829
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