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The Wall: A Space Oddessey
Citation:   Riley. "The Wall: A Space Oddessey: An Experience with Ketamine (exp17051)". Mar 22, 2018.

135 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
I tried K for the first time a couple weeks ago, a friend of my sister had swiped a bottle from the animal hospital he worked at. After realizing that neither of us knew much about injecting humans we decided to cook it up and snort it in crystal form.

It stung like a bitch and the bit that dripped into my throat tasted awful. but after a few minutes, I started seeing double and as soon as I laid down on the couch, I was out. I was no longer a physical body, but pure energy, as I disappeared through the rabbit hole that is my mind, I saw on one side of me the infamous 'crystalline monolith' laying down parallel to my body, only it wasn't black it was wrapped up in the design of the cover to Pink Floyd's 'The Wall'. In the distance I could faintly see the characters from Floyd's psychedelic opera and then I became David Bowman (from 2001/20010 A Space Odyssey). Like Bowman I had taken the form of energy, manifested in a huge ball of radiant light. I went to Jupiter, then to Earth, and I just took in all that was happening around me and I knew EVERYTHING.

When I started coming out of the hole, I was in a tunnel of dark swirling colors, and my numb ligaments only felt fuzzy, I touched my hands together and they melted into each other, then I fell asleep. I woke op a few hours later feeling fine, but with some nasty sinuses. I did notice some loss of short-term memory for a few days.

I tried to experience similar k-holes in the two weeks that followed, but each trip was weaker than the last, the fifth and last time, not much happened. Apparently I build a tolerance to it. I later learned that because I am on Wellbutrin, I really should not be taking ketamine as both drugs make you susceptible to seizures. Also, I learned that K can cause brain lesions? So I guess, I really shouldn’t push my luck with this stuff, wait a few weeks before doing it again, it is expensive and addictive anyway.

I will definitely do it again after a while, the first time was a wonderful experience. I am still having trouble sleeping without knowing I will do it soon.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17051
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 22, 2018Views: 1,279
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Ketamine (31) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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