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Heavenly Wine, Quite Fine
Morning Glory
Citation:   Bluestar. "Heavenly Wine, Quite Fine: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp17065)". Mar 27, 2007.

T+ 0:00
1 shot oral Morning Glory (tea)
  T+ 1:00 1 shot oral Morning Glory (tea)
  T+ 2:00 1 shot oral Morning Glory (tea)
I have recently been looking for a more natural and all around *legal* substance for quite some time now. I am more or less new to the world of psychoactive substances, I have used marijuana and salvia divinorum on several occasions, and once in conjunction with each other. I have been reading for months on Morning Glory because I find it amazing that a plant that grows just about everywhere is psychoactive. But anyway, on to my report.

I have been rading about MG for at least 3 months, gathering as much info as I can, and decided it be about time to try it. Seeing as how most people on here use the seed, I opted to do that, but then one day ran across an interesting recipe for a MG wine. I would much rather try this as I am somewhat new with psychedelics and wanted something a bit *milder*. I walked down the street and plucked about 20-25 good sized lovely purple/blue flowers I recognized as Heavenly Blues. I took them home, rinsed them well, and put them into a 1.9 liter bottle. I then added about 1.5 liters of warm water and set them in my closet to stew for a week.

Now I have read one other report about using flowers and having a really bad time, and this worried me a bit, so I decided I would take it easy. Well, it has been two days and curiosity got the better of me, so I decided to try it sooner than recomended. It had a very lovely smell, one of flowers with a slight hint of grape (?). The taste was not as bad as I have read. It tasted like a very weak flowery tea, which in fact it was. Very pleasant.

I started small, I took a very small sip. At first I felt nothing, so I waited. About 10 minutes later I began to feel lighter and had a very interesting chill down my spine which lasted about 10 minutes. After the chill hd gone, it felt similar to a good dose of fine marijuana, without the cloudy mind or heavy limbs, in fact it was quite the opposite. I felt very light on my feet and thoughts flowed smoothly and clearly through my head. It was quite an experience, but I wasn't near done.

At about T+1:00 I took another sip as the first seemed to be wearing off. To put it shortly, it wasn't. This compounded dose gave me a warm 'chill' down my body, which felt like a warm liquid was poured under my skin, it was very nice. The feeling seemed to come in waves, as opposed to a steady trip. I was feeling very high and very comfortable for a while, and remembered that I had to move something in my house, and it felt heavier than usual. But them something weird happened, I told myself that it wasn't heavy and just at that moment I lifted it like it was nothing.

I found myself reletivly productive while under the influence. Well, at about T+2:00, I felt the effects were fading, so I took one last swig, about a shot full. That kept the feeling up for another hour and a half until I was ready to return back to (almost) normal. It is now about T+7:00 and I am still feeling some after effects, similar to a marijuana buzz.

All in all a VERY worthwhile experience. It was very nice and subtle, and not nearly as *trippy* as I though, but still cool. Lights were brighter, colors more vivid, and I noticed I could focus on anything in my field of vision. It was very uplifting. Don't let other reports scare you, this is a very good and legal high that I (no pun intended) highly recommend this for novice trippers or people who want a serene high for a few hours without the bad effects of MJ smoke.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17065
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 27, 2007Views: 13,443
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Morning Glory (38) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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