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Not What I Expected
Citation:   Mental Confusion. "Not What I Expected: An Experience with Crack (exp17114)". Sep 26, 2020.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    repeated oral Alcohol (liquid)
    repeated smoked Crack (freebase)
  1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  1 cig. smoked Tobacco  
BODY WEIGHT: 10.5 st
Last night I smoked crack for the first time.

I’ve experimented with alcohol, weed, speed, LSD, mushrooms, ecstasy, salvia, morning glory seeds, nutmeg, 5htp, cocaine and heroin, but, I’ve only ever abused alcohol. I was disappointed with cocaine so I thought crack might be what I was looking for.

I’ve always had a perception of crack being a very dirty and hardcore drug until I read that it’s just cocaine mixed with baking soda so it can be smoked. I knew of its addiction potential.

We scored two rocks from a 15 year old drug dealer in a rough part of our city then went to a friend’s where a crack pipe was ready and waiting. I was very nervous at this point and even considered giving my crack to a friend instead of smoking it myself.

The effects came on almost instantly. I felt like I was coming up on five lines of strong coke. It wasn’t as strong as I imagined, but, I felt great. Each rock lasted 4/ 5 hits so we chain smoked until it ran out. Conversation was flowing very easily and the vibe was very good. The buzz lasted about 15 minutes, but, I felt good for one or two hours (we were smoking weed and drinking too).

We had ‘spare’ money so we drove to a crack house and scored a gram for £50. We carried on smoking until it was all gone. I was very talkative when under the influence, but, unlike on E’s I knew my limits and didn’t talk as much shit.

About two hours after the crack was finished the mood had changed. Conversation was dying plus I felt tired, unsociable, anxious and fed up. I didn’t feel as bad as I thought I would, but, I didn’t feel good either. The weed had run out at this point and I was desperate for a spliff. My friend wanted to go and buy more crack, but, we knew it would be a bad idea because we’d just crave more and more and more.

When we eventually got round to buying more weed I felt better straight away. I needed to take a downer after smoking crack to take the cravings away.

I woke up this morning wanting more crack so I smoked a spliff which instantly made me feel a bit more normal again. I don’t crave it now, but, im going to tread very carefully if I try it again.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17114
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 26, 2020Views: 1,688
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Crack (82) : First Times (2), Hangover / Days After (46), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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