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The Good Trip
Morning Glory
Citation:   DJ Devin. "The Good Trip: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp17125)". Jul 16, 2005.

200 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
I have taken morning glory seeds three times prior to my experience last night. The first time I took 200 seeds, 100 at first and then the rest an hour later, but I don't recall how thoroughly I attempted to chew them. My pupils were dilated, but I experienced no hallucinations or mental stimulation until I smoked pot about 4 hours after finishing the seeds. Since then, I've developed a weird reaction to marijuana, however, and I don't really like it any more. I made a tea out of 300 seeds the next time and smoked pot right off, but I can't tell how much of that I really had because I couldn't force the mush at the bottom of the cup down my throat. It was yucky. I experienced some trippy effects from shadows, lights had rainbow auras, and I got some auditory weirdness. Not bad, but it still was disappointingly unlike what I expected acid to be. The third time I made tea out of 200 seeds - didn't eat the mush - and smoked a lot of pot (a lot for me at the time, anyway) because it was the 20th of April, and afterward decided I'd never bother again with this crappy home gardening drug. And pot for that matter.

Another thing I'd like to mention before I tell the tale of last night is that I finally got to try LSD, about 150 micrograms according to the dealer, and I liked it. It wasn't a huge dosage, but I'm no hardhead and I can appreciate some subtlety. The hallucinations weren't wicked wild or anything, but I developed some insight that will probably stay with me for awhile. Anyway…

Last night my friend wanted to do some morning glory seeds. I had 200 or so of my own left, so I asked him if he wanted some company and then drove over. I ate all the seeds pretty quick, remembering to chew well this time, at 9 o'clock that night. I had food in my stomach, but it was light: pasta, bread, and salad. We went outside to stroll the neighborhood right after that, and half an hour later I decided I was affected. My friend had eaten his earlier, and he said all he was was nauseous. I noticed that lights were vibrant, with rainbow auras, and not only that, but they were pulsing. I noticed that things were beginning to take on an appearance I'd never witnessed on morning glory, but very similar to my LSD experience.

We went into a convenient store to buy milk, and then I decided this trip was actually getting intense. Everything in the aisle was vibrating, and it was way too bright in there. This particular drug never worried me before; it usually caused a general apathy and indecision that bordered on stupidly annoying. We got back to my friend's house and went upstairs. He seemed to not be feeling well, and I guess I became slightly uncomfortable being there. I decided to drive home. Yes, combining hallucinogens and suburbans is reckless, but I'm not the type to do it if I didn't think it would be okay. And it was. The road home actually turned out to be a maze of construction on the freeway and their oh-so-distracting blinking yellow lights. I was worried I'd miss my exit because of it, and it ended just before I got off. I still thought I was doing something wrong, though, so I started to speed up to get away, and had to forcibly tell myself to slow down.

I felt pretty tense when I got home because of this. Also, it was only 11 o'clock, and my parents might still be awake. My pupils would give me away, I was sure. But the lights were off and I silently crept in. I tried to relax by doing all the normal stuff I do in my room, when what I really wanted to do at this point was strip to my underpants and curl up in the fetal position on my bed. This was not only similar to my acid trip now, it was more intense! Eek! I got myself to relax by sitting in my bean bag chair with the fan blowing, listening to music on my computer and watching the media player visualizations. I was getting elaborate closed-eye visuals now, and the dimly lit room was waving and warbling pretty well.

I begin to think a lot about different perspectives in my altered state. I actually spent more time doing this then when I took LSD, and I came away with a few good insights. My favorite thought of the evening was: 'I never want to be selfish again. I want to be a T-shirt.' At this time I was talking to my friend on instant messenger. I told him this and he said that 'T-shirts are always hugging the people that wear them.' I thought that was great. I talked to him and one other person for awhile about how my trip was going. I took my dog for a walk at 1 a.m. And had a conversation with him, as well. I decided that I was feeling pretty good, all in all.

My theory about this is that after taking acid, I can compare the morning glory/LSA trip to it and find the similarities. Before, I think that smoking pot colored the experience, perhaps somewhat negatively, and that I also didn't know where to look for what was going on during the trip, so it was lame. This last one turned out to be a neat trip, with some decent hallucinations. I saw Homer Simpson (he's somewhat of a psychedelic obsession of mine… I saw rows of his head that turned into a giant zipper when I smoked salvia once) in a blotch on my skateboard and the face of a T-Rex in my bean bag chair last night. I imagined faces in the computer music visuals, and everything in my room seemed to always be warping and changing. Just like it should be. :)

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17125
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 16, 2005Views: 19,908
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