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Rolling Hard with the Visuals of Glory
Morning Glory & MDMA
Citation:   psychobabbleanalyst. "Rolling Hard with the Visuals of Glory: An Experience with Morning Glory & MDMA (exp17262)". Jun 13, 2005.

T+ 0:00
300 seeds oral Morning Glory (plant material)
  T+ 2:00 300 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
Okay, this all starts about three in the afternoon, a bright sunny day in central Texas. I'm in the backyard harvesting the Heavenly Blue morning glories I have been propagating for well over a year now. Quite a tedious job, if you ask me. I picked and picked until it looked like I had enough. I had a friend with me lets call him J, and I let him count the things while I made some important arrangements. Now I being the cautious adventurer had been fasting all day and had meditated for a while as well. While J on the other hand is the type who just wants to get messed up without putting any thought into the act. Okay so the final count wound up at about 550 seeds, we separated the doses mine being 300 he got all that was left over. These were put into very thick ziplock bags, then I mashed the fuck out of them with a hammer (works pretty well) we ended up with a grainy paste.

We used the cold water extraction method. Since I live a slight ways out of the city of Austin there isn't much to do. So we jumped in the car and headed to J's house in Austin with bottles of dirty looking water in hand. When we reached the destination it was about five. We ran into some friends and smoked a large blunt of some very nice reefer, and upon inquiring what was to be had of the evening we found out that everyone was gathering at an abandoned tower not far from where we were. At about six the glory juice was ingested. J and I went to the tower where there was a sizable group, already drinking, smoking, and doing large lines of coke. It was only about a half hour after we drank the stuff and I was already feeling the effects. It comes on sort of like an LSD trip, slight jittery feeling and a general sensation of something about to happen. Well we were chillin at the tower passing blunts around and getting pretty lit up when all the sudden the background of trees drops out of focus very drastically, and then pops back into view magnified as if I could touch them from where I sat (the trees were over a hundred yards away).

Now I thought this a little strange but let it pass. I also noticed that my mind and thinking process seemed very liquid sort of like everything was just slipping past at a very peaceful rate. I liked this feeling and began to get very giggly. Ethereal vines seemed to be crawling across my eyeballs distorting everything else I saw. At this point J leaned over to me and said 'dude you got look in your eye, you feeling alright?' I wanted to tell him I was great but could not for the life of me remember any words, so I sufficed to give him a thumbs up. I looked at him to inquire how he was (he strangly got the gist by the face I gave him) he replied that he hadn't felt anything different but was okay with it. At this point I tried to peer at my watch but it was already too dark to see, and in doing this I noticed the glowing in the veins in my arms it was a pulsing blue.

All the others there had the same glowing all were different colors and some not as bright. My neck was also sore, but the effects of the morning glory only made me forget about it. This is about the time when a security guard from the neighboring apartment complex came over and started snooping about. Now some of the younger folks in the entourage, fearing the cops took off and ran. But we, realising it was just some putz on the night shift casually strolled back to the road. It wasn't very casual for me though I had a slight difficulty walking because of a jelly like quality my legs had taken on and a strange cramp in my calves I hadn't noticed before. So as me and J walked back to his house we ran into one of the local street pharmacist who was trying to sell ecstasy. Although he did have some of the best rolls I had ever tried (yellow alligators) he was asking a ridiculous price so we passed. We made it to the house and one of the people we were with seemed to have followed us there, but this was okay because he had a large bag of herb. J thought it would be a good idea to fill the bong with ice. This was the start of the intense part of the experience, upon taking a hit the coldness of it filled my entire body even out to the finger tips. For some reason this relieved the cramp in my leg and the sore neck. The walls and ceiling buckled in with the sound of the next hit and continued to bubble from that point on. Suddenly the doorbell, which echoed in my head with frightening volume. Even thought the vine like crawling on my eyeballs still prevailed it was not as strong.

Anyway the person at the door was the same dealer from before, preaching lower prices. I didn't have any money though so I just walked around the room touching things and watching the ceiling. The scumbag that followed us decided to buy rolls for me and J. They tell me at this point I kept repeating that it was a fantastic idea but I don't remember that. Okay so J and said scumbag chewed their pills, while I laid on the floor. I grew very frightened and claustrophobic thinking that the floor was pushing me into the oddly pulsating ceiling. I think it was around ten now and J noticing the look on my face quickly stood me up and brought me to the backyard to smoke a cigarette.

As we're sitting I see that the trees and everything for that matter have the same glowing essence as the veins on people's bodies, this was profoundly striking to me and I remarked that J had almost the same color as the trees, he looked at me puzzled not knowing what I was talking about because he had not gotten any effects from the seeds. Now I don't remember going back inside but we were there. The fear had ceased with the remembrance that I could see life-energy. It was quite peaceful again. Soon the phone rang some kids I know were looking to buy some weed, And this chump who had followed us decided he wanted to sell them some. So we all climed into the car (a horrible idea because the driver, J had just recently popped a very strong and very pure roll) and headed north. On the road both J and the punk said they were getting effects, and them saying this reminded me that I had the same roll in my pocket, I then munched it.

We pull into a convenience store because this dickhead is whining about needing a pacifier. Simple enough right? Nope. I had to go into the store with him because he couldn't function right. Finding no pacifiers he bought maybe six packs of gum. I opted for water and bought enough for everyone. So back in the car and on the road, J who had never rolled before was rambling about how cool it was to drive. I at this point started getting intricate patterns of whatever it was I focused my attention on, tires, faces, anything. We finally manage to get to this house and knock on the door we are greeted by about ten kids who had never seen anyone tripping before. They take one look at the scumbag and say he has to stay outside, let me explain why he had a massive wad of gum in his mouth and was drooling red liquid on himself he was also trying to talk to everyone and not doing a very good job of it just scaring people. I take it upon myself to stay with him in their backyard just in case things get weird.

Now this is the good part. My roll kicked in very quickly because I chewed it. Suddenly I could see everything it was no longer dark it was all also very clear. The ground began rolling up at me lapping at my legs like waves I swear I could feel the earth pushing over me. This as so intense I had to sit down, I leaned against a tree and could feel the warmth of the waves hitting my face now. The kid I was supposed to be watching was no longer there, I hadn't lost him just in my mind he had disappeared. The sky was grey and now the vines returned, but only once and briefly for as soon as I saw it they froze and stayed locked in the sky for the rest of the night. This is when I was handed a joint by someone I could not see but when I focused on it they slowly came into view glowing veins first and then the rest as if it had all come together right there for the first time. I didn't recognize the color of essence but it was the kid whose house it was, telling me that J could not measure out the herb correctly and they needed my help. I stood up and smoked the joint a moment and then followed the kid inside completely forgetting the scumbag.

So I went inside to a room full of people weirded out by the spaced out look on my face. I helped eyeball the weed while J was having the apparent time of his life rolling joint after joint of weed that wasn't his. I thought it was funny too. The scumbag reappeared with his face pressed onto the glass of the backdoor. We let him in telling him not to touch anything. Okay now everybody is starting to hate this idiot. We leave at this point in the car J is gettin furious that this kid won't shut up, I try telling him to relax but he's freaking out I can tell by the change in the color and pulsation of his energy. Who knows where this kid is supposed to go but we stop the car and kick him the fuck out, but before we could he empties out the contents of his pockets on the floor. J is still rattled so I tell him to grab my hand immediately. I can feel the calm overwhelm him and he yanks his hand back startled by what he feels. Not just the vein but his whole hand is glowing briefly. I tell him it's okay and not a bad thing, so he takes my hand again I can see the blue of mine going through his hand and mixing with the olive green of his it travels up his arm and to his heart and then on through the rest. J says 'that was incredible' and I start feeling very drained but still very good rolling hard and having all the visuals from the glory.

We get back to the house where weed is smoked and J after coming off the roll crashes. I however stay up all night outside watching the clouds until the sun comes up. Nothing much exiting happened the rest of the night. One last thing I have to say is that the combos I took are very intense and probably not that safe if you don't have experience with hardcore trips. I felt myself losing it at several points in the evening. Have fun and be safe out there.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17262
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 13, 2005Views: 14,681
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Morning Glory (38), MDMA (3) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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