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Playa Voyage
MDMA & 4-Acetoxy-DiPT
Citation:   Wombat66. "Playa Voyage: An Experience with MDMA & 4-Acetoxy-DiPT (exp17541)". Sep 16, 2002.

T+ 0:00
1.5 tablets oral MDMA
  T+ 0:30 15 mg oral 4-AcO-DiPT
Oh for christ's sake, I'm really not a report writing kinda guy and the situation was hardly conducive to an objective evaluation of the psychedelic experience. But talk about set and setting. For those who don't know, burningman is a week long festival of art and free expression held in one of the least hospitable but most surreal stretches of land in america, the black rock desert of northwest nevada. The weather can be blisteringly hot by day and drop to freezing at night with white out dust storms appearing out of nowhere without warning followed by thunder and lightning. The desert floor is perfectly flat (called the playa) for nearly 100 miles and nearly uninhabited (and uninhabitable). For one week out of the year burningman becomes a self contained autonomous city, Black Rock City, the fifth largest in nevada. This year the weather was almost perfect as were the vibes.

I broke one of the basic tenants of harm reduction by taking MDMA in largish quantities twice in one week but compensated by gobbling lots of 5htp and antioxidants every morning and night. My first trip was on tuesday night with 2.5 tabs of MDMA (unknown strength) and 17mg 2c-i consumed over a 6 hour period. An excellent time was had (but that's another story). Later in the week I repeated the formula but used 4-acetoxy-dipt (iprocetyl) instead of the 2c-i and a bit more MDMA. I started just after dark with 1.5 tabs of MDMA and approximately 15mg iprocetyl taken about half an hour later. This was on a fairly empty stomach (the hot dry weather really messes with my appetite; normally I like to have eaten a good meal 2 hours before dropping inorder to keep up my energy level). They came on together. The only other time I've taken iprocetyl, I found the come up to be a bit anxious. This night all was perfect. The confident feeling of rising excitement that MDMA gives masked any worrisome anxiety which the tryptamine might have given.

My companions (around 12 people from my camp) were either straight or on MDMA solo. It really didn't matter. We have been going to burningman together for years (this is my 6th time) and are comfortable with each other. Most of them were traveling the playa that night by art cars but I was on bike which I prefer for its independence. The theme for burningman this year was 'The Floating World' and indeed that night the vast expanse of playa floor became a large uncharted sea plied by art cars, motorized land ships, bicycles with running lights of glow sticks and electroluminescent wire. We sought out lights and beacons in the far distance for exploration and toured the amazing art projects which littered the desert. I have no timeline here, the trip was not linear. Sometime during the night I ate more iprocetyl (maybe 5-10mg) and boosted the MDMA 2 more times (3 tabs total for the night). Sleep didn't come till 8 the next morning and was maintained with the help of a xanax.

(Disclaimer: I don't normally binge like this nor do I recommend it, but the current responsibilities in my life prevent me from having powerful and lengthy psychedelic experiences more than 2 or 3 times a year, so I seized the opportunity at BRC).

I first used MDMA almost 20 years ago and the so-called magic, where 4 hours solo introspection can be worth 2 years on the shrink's couch, are long gone. I still love the stuff but its become more of a party/feel-good thing for me. The addition of iprocetyl brought back that sense of fearless introspection and cosmic wonder I remember from back in the day. Being on bike, I could separate from our group at will and experience the benefits of both the solo inward trip and the group social trip. Somewhere along the line, after the initial plateau, I inhaled a few cartridges of N2O and puffs of hashish. This brought out a visual element I didn't remember from my previous iprocetyl experience. I could talk about the heightened colors and surreal imagery but that's burningman already with its neon glow-in-the-dark aura. With eyes closed, there were beautiful geometric yet organic visuals reminding me of kaleidoscopic undersea tendrils. Eyes open and the scene flattened out while bright lights seemed to be composed of living cellular structures.

This was in contrast to the MDMA/2c-i combo which is also nicely visual but with a far more inorganic feel, OEVs and CEVs appearing to be made of colored stone or machine-like and an even more pronounced feeling of flatness, as if the world is being viewed on a screen. Both nights I had the bizarre sensation while bike riding under the stars that the sky was a ceiling just barely above my head and the faster I rode the more likely it seemed that I would hit my head on something just above me. There was a feeling of pure aesthetic enjoyment of all that I saw, heard and felt while simultaneously being in a state of emotional contemplation. Yet centered. Happy to be where I was, happy to be who I am. At some point I became separated from the group and the adventure became solitary but I never felt lonely, such is the effect of the drugs and the event. I also felt in full control the whole night and had no problems in communicating or socializing and seemed to have good physical coordination. I must have biked at least 10 miles that night, possibly much more. Near the end, close to sun rise I did start to feel tired, cold and a bit hungry, but hey, it was cold, I hadn't eaten much in the previous 24 hours and had been exploring the unknown physically as well as mentally. The experience was entirely positive. Tolerance did not seem to be much of an issue. No paranoia.

I managed to sleep most of the next day after swallowing 200mg 5htp, 5mg melatonin, 2000mg vitC, 2 vitE caps, 1 vitB complex, 4 antioxidant pills, one xanax, inserting ear plugs (its damned noisy out there) and turning on my battery powered fan. I woke feeling a bit tired but in no way burned out and very happy for the memories.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17541
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 16, 2002Views: 18,270
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MDMA (3), 4-AcO-DiPT (55) : Festival / Lg. Crowd (24), Combinations (3), General (1)

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