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Thank You Sir May I Have Another
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Jonny Hydro. "Thank You Sir May I Have Another: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp17600)". Jan 10, 2019.

  repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
Nitrous a.k.a hippie crack is more addictive than any drug I have ever encountered. I credit this to its short duration and possible intensity.

I first encountered this drug a couple years ago at concerts. I never used it seriously untill recently. Over the past year or so I have become fixated with Dissociatives. Ketamine, DXM, Nitrous, and well you know. Although all of these drugs are amazing in their own ways nitrous puts them all to shame.

When I do nitrous I believe I am an idiot. About once a month or so I like to get 2 cases for myself. Believe it or not I huff and well uhh huff through all 48 give or take a few bums.

As is the case more time than not I am high during my binge. Sometimes I am on a varied collection of drugs. I have found that nitrous is compatable with all drugs, or at least I enjoy it.

I believe that nitrous connects me with the river of consciousness or the universe by bringing my mind to the point of death. I have crossed over into heaven and hell many times each time reloading my cracker for another trip.

I am a novice when it comes to relaying my experiences, I tend to keep to myself unless I am conversing with a friend. But I have been hooked on this experience, I know it is real because I have seen it and felt it. This drug can connect us to the world through death. I need some sort of confirmation. I think that nitrous makes us see patterns, they can be related to numbers or even something like dejavu. Each time I try to come back with the knowledge I have gleaned from the experience and each time I return with a fleeting epiphany, like sand falling through my fingers that once comprised a majestic castle. I feel cheated, will I only know when I am dead? I have gained a sense that my fears are true. I have been mocked by the gods in my attempt to wrap my brain around something that isnt of this existence. Please my friends explore the possibilities of this drug, they are limited infinity a sick joke in my mind.

My usual experience goes a little something like this:

1. Instert cartrige into cracker.

2. Insert second cartrige in but do not crack.

3. Breath deeply exhale then begin inhalation.

4. Inhaling slowly I draw small amounts of o2 through my nose.

5. Crack second, continue inhaling.

6. The worlds rotation slows for me, my hearing is affected.

7. Insert third cartrige and take a full breath of air and exhale.

8. Inhale contents of cracker and hold it.

9. Things slow considerably, pulsing sound eminates from anything my ears listen to. Some color in vision is lost. I feel completely separated. I can see through my eyes as if my spirit has been shaken loose from my body. I can survey the room.

10. From here it gets tricky to describe, I could be unconscious. All of this happens in about a minute. I usually see everything at once and I understand. I see that the world works in threes. Threes in everything everything is connected through threes. I am fucking insane!!

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17600
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 10, 2019Views: 920
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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