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A New and Magical World
5 MeO-DiPT
Citation:   Sky Villain. "A New and Magical World: An Experience with 5 MeO-DiPT (exp17683)". Nov 12, 2002.

20 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
One night, myself and two of my best friends decided to trip as it had been some time since we had taken any psychadelics at all. We swallowed 20 mg of pure foxy that was in a capsule at about 12:30 AM. We decided to play video games to get the night started and keep our minds occupied. My friends began to feel the effects first and one friend in particular was very nauseous and sick to her stomach. I expected these reactions because I have taken foxy several times, just not at such a large dose. As I began to feel the body load and visuals come on I just sat on the couch to let the nauseousness pass. My friend was having a hard time because she was feeling sick and ended up throwing up. She was not in the best of headspace and especially after puking wasn't really feeling very good. My other friend seemed to be tripping pretty hard at this point but was not having unmanageable negative effects.

The body load became heavier and heavier for me and after about an hour or more I could barely move off the floor because I felt so uncomfortable. The visuals became very very intense and it was hard to perceive distance. Even the air seemed to be thick with glittery substance and was swirling. I spent about 30 minutes with my friend lying on my bed and drawing pictures in the air. My other friend did not feel pleasant and called a friend to pick her up. This added drama in the night was disappointing, but my mind was not going through crazy head loops like it does with LSD and I found any problems to be very manageable.

So my friend who was not feeling sick and I decided to take a walk around the college campus I live by. It had been about 2.5 hours and we were both tripping very hard with the most insane visuals either of us had ever seen. Walking into the campus was amazing because it appeared to be an ancient greek city of gold that we had stumbled upon while walking through a jungle. We were like two little kids in a fantasy movie and found ourselves running through the gardens and wandering around what seemed like the most beautiful and mystical place we had ever been.

We spent about an hour and a half talking about each other and life and had a very pleasant talk and bonding experience. We became paranoid though because cops were driving around the campus and we felt like they were closing in on us. When we arrived back at my place, my friend's boyfriend had arrived and they were in my room. I was bothered because he is one of my least favorite people and I didn't like him in my room. Having his presence and him not being able to understand our state of mind at all was disturbing and my friend kept asking why he was here. Finally they left and we felt free again so we took a long walk to the grocery store and back. The walk back was scary because it was at 4:00 AM and shady people kept looking at us and driving by. We hurried home and hung out for awhile, still glowing and still feeling wonderful. As the sun began to rise, we sat outside and smoked some marijuana. It was a perfect end to what had been a very epic night and we went to sleep with no trouble at all.

At 20 mg is an entirely different experience than taking lower doses and is much more profound, magical, and sensual in my opinion. It is just important to keep in mind that the first hour *was* characterized by an uncomfortable body load and nausea. but once I get past that, it is simply beautiful.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17683
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 12, 2002Views: 12,058
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Health Problems (27), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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