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Wired Dissociation
Citation:   Triode. "Wired Dissociation: An Experience with Caffeine (exp1784)". Jun 14, 2000.

300 mg oral Caffeine (liquid)
  2.5 g oral Caffeine (liquid)
I started out the day with three cups of coffee. Good-size cups; at least 100mg of caffeine each. In preparation for the afternoon show at which my band was playing, I'd set a cold-water extraction a-brewing the day before (1lb ground coffee --- espresso grind, in this case --- mixed with 9cups cold water, brewed at room temperature for 24hrs) and began to strain it. I tasted it and determined it was going to knock me on my ass, and set out to pack up my drum kit.

In the 45min before our set, I had the full nine cups of the brew (about 15 coffee cups' worth), and what I'm guessing to be about 2.5g of caffeine poured into my system. I set up with unbelievable fervor, and was literally screaming at anyone and everyone to go, go, go! We started and played our 25 minute set in 15 minutes. I tore through the songs like they were toys; our set ended entirely too soon and I was ready for more. I calculatedly started to break down my drum kit and soon noticed that I was breathing very, very heavily and the room was getting very, very sparkly and grey. I finished and then went to lie down on the club's couch for a while. It was then (T+45min) that things went far downhill. My limbs tingled and I was seeing spots. The room was truly spinning, and the band playing 10' from my head seemed miles away. An hour later and I could just then start standing; one more half-hour and I decided I was ok to drive home. I felt dull for the entire ride home, including a stop at Burger King with the other band, who were from Eastern Europe and were fucking weirdos and would have normally interested me. I felt crappy and wasted the rest of the day, and couldn't get to sleep until T+16h...

Caffeine is awesome. Caffeine poisoning sucks shit. Don't do it.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 1784
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 14, 2000Views: 47,335
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Caffeine (11) : General (1), Health Problems (27), Club / Bar (25)

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