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No Body, Infinite Souls
Salvia divinorum
by MS
Citation:   MS. "No Body, Infinite Souls: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp17986)". Jul 21, 2005.

140 mg smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
The experience presented here took me by a complete shock. I’ve tried Salvia twice before – one of which included a very large amount of about 9-11 hits of dried Salvia leaves – and only now do I believe I can begin to grasp the strength and the amazing potential of a strong, well-panned Salvia trip.

This time I decided to try the 10x extract. I got a hold of about half a gram, mixed it with some tobacco and smoked about ¼ of the total amount. I tried to clear my mind from any thoughts, predictions or expectations. The affect came quickly – even before I finished smoking I began hearing the two friends who were with me at the time whispering something. I remember that at first it made sense to me, as though they were suggesting something or perhaps rushing me, but after a while I understood that no one was talking. Both of them just sat there with absolute silence. The words gradually scrambled into an illogical combination of 3 “word”, constantly repeating in my head; always at the same tone, the same pace.

After an amazingly intense burst of laughter, lasting about 30-45 seconds, I went to the next room and lay on a bed. The voices then continued, still whispering that disturbing, somewhat frightening hymn. Deep confusion. I came to the realization – or so I thought – that the voices were actually calling me, or perhaps talking to or about me. I tried to answer, but was unable to say anything but a weak mumble.

Still hearing the voices – now with lesser clarity and more with a feeling of “from the back of my head” – I then felt a sensation of a relaxing flotation, followed by a feeling of being “vacuumed” inside myself, into my own chest. I felt as though my entire body was inside my chest, which then changed and grew and expanded, giving me a strong visual image of space as seen when looking through a telescope into clear skies. I felt like I had no body, as if my mind, or more accurately – *I* – was one with the universe. I was completely unaware to the existence of “me”. An amazing euphoria filled me as I felt like I am everywhere, bigger than life, as if I am the universe itself.

I guess at that point I opened my eyes, because an image of the room I was in suddenly appeared in front of me – the bed I was on, lines of transparent beads (some of which were heart-shaped) that were used as a curtain, the walls, the ceiling, a blur view of the next room with both of my friends sitting on a couch in – and only then did my psychedelic journey, the overwhelming trip into a reality not of this world, really began.

Looking at the bed, I felt as though my body and soul became one with it. Slowly the boundary between the inanimate object and myself blurred. This experience didn’t have quite the godlike feeling as the one before; it was more like a stretch of reality to the point of absolute senselessness, testing every one of my senses and it’s ability to digest the new situation.

Not even beginning to comprehend the recent events, not even starting to understand what’s exactly happening, a “picture” of the curtain popped in front of me, only for a split of a second. I then felt myself tearing between the two objects, splitting, dividing between them and yet staying whole; I could actually feel myself in both places at the same time, as though the feeling of blending with a non-living object wasn’t bizarre enough for itself. This feeling I can only describe as the deepest confusion I can ever imagine, when one cannot see, hear, smell, speak – only feel (and obviously, not in the physical sense of the word). Now try to imagine this, and add to it the imaginary, dreamlike feeling of doing that separately in two different places.

Very quickly the experience of being split-up and divided between object happened again, over and over again, tearing me between numerous objects, sending my consciousness to 5, 10, 20 places at the same time… Like the paradox of freezing and burning, feeling completely obsessed and utterly calm, so I felt a hundred times more intensely – the chaos of emotions and sensations had over-flown my brain, overloaded me in a way I could not deal with. I felt like I was about to lose my mind. I rushed outside to get some fresh air, to a place with less stimulation.

This experience was the most amazing thing I had ever felt in my entire life. This I can say without a shred of doubt. The human mind can take only some and the line is very thin. I don’t know if I’ll touch something as strong as 10x extract in the near future, not because of fear from a similar experience, but because of a fear from a stronger, ever more intense one.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17986
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 21, 2005Views: 15,600
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Alone (16), General (1)

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