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There Was No Turning Back Once I Tried It
Citation:   Katie. "There Was No Turning Back Once I Tried It: An Experience with Cocaine (exp1801)". Erowid.org. Jun 14, 2000. erowid.org/exp/1801

5 lines insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
One night I had some of my older friends over at my house, my parents were away. I was looking to get high off acid or weed, but my friend Larry insisted that we get some coke. I agreed. The coke arrived and Larry crushed and prepared it, Danielle was so excited, she couldn't wait. I was scared, it did not want to get addicted to it, I just wanted to try it. When it was ready everybody snorted a line or two. It was my turn, I was so scared. I picked up the pen tube; held it to my nose and took a deep breath and snorted it. In less than five minutes I was jumping all over the place, it felt so good, I was so aware, so alive. When my 'high' finally wore off I begged and begged for some more. I wanted it so badly, just after one line (the first time too). Larry told me to calm down but I couldn't, I wanted some more so badly.

After awhile, after me nagging so much. He gave in and prepared more lines. This time I jumped right on it, the first to snort, I took in 5 lines. Shortly, I was jumping off the wall again. I wanted it so bad, there was nothing better than this feeling, i loved it. The drip was the only bad part. Larry light up and joint and I insisted he roll it in coke, so he did. Everything just seemed so much better at the time.

In the morning when I woke up. I had such bad side affects, I was so groggy. I had a horrible headache and I felt extremely nauseous. I could not get a hold of any more so I started snorting my Ridalin. It gave me a weaker experience but it worked. Soon I started snorting anything I could get my hands on: sugar, ridalin, prozac, and advil.

Now I can never stop thinking about it, its always a temptation to call a dealer and get some. I would do anything to get some coke. One time lead to another and that lead to many more. It always sticks in the back in my head now. I can not stop thinking about it. I want it more and more. Everyday I think of getting some, but I must learn how to get over my temptations. Cocaine changed my life forever, it will always not matter what stick in the back of my head. I will never completely forget about it.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 1801
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 14, 2000Views: 324,173
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Cocaine (13) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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