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A Little Warning
by Ryan
Citation:   Ryan. "A Little Warning: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp18043)". Oct 9, 2002.

60 mg oral Oxycodone (daily)
I was in car accident 2 weeks ago and I broke my femur and hip and had to have intense surgery. In the hospital I was on all kinds of pain medicine, morphine, toradol and something begining with a d. But when I was sent home the doctor sent me home with percocet 5/325 to take 2 every 4 hours as needed for pain. I was in extreme pain my first few days so I was taking 2 pills every 4 hours faithfully for about a week. The pain has gone down alot and I really dont need the pills anymore but I feel like I need I'm addicted. So I came back to my favorite site Erowid to see what my percocet pills were all about. I find about that the 5 is 5 mg of oxycodone and 325 tylenol (acetaminophen) so I have been taking 60mg of oxycodone a day. I am now goin to take one every 4 hours and then half every 4 hours and try to get my self off these pills. I feel physically addicted to these pills and a little mentally. A little warning to people going to take percocet for careful!

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18043
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 9, 2002Views: 36,097
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Oxycodone (176) : Not Applicable (38), Addiction & Habituation (10)

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