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Spiritual Enlightenment
2C-T-2 & Mushrooms
Citation:   NeoMagic. "Spiritual Enlightenment: An Experience with 2C-T-2 & Mushrooms (exp18055)". Oct 9, 2002.

T+ 0:00
30 mg oral 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:00 4.0 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
9:30 - We had a little over an hour drive to the club so I figured it would be best to go ahead ingest the t2. So down the hatch it goes right before we walk out the door.

10:30 - Feeling slight effects of t2, some tracers on car & street lights. Road sign text giving 'pop-out' effect. We're almost to the club and everyone decides to start ingesting their shrooms. I opened my bag and downed most of the shrooms (4grams worth), there was probably about 7g total in the bag. I decided 4g would be plenty, so i drank my soda & sat back.

11:00 - We arrive at the club, as I step out of the car I notice I'm already trippin balls. An over welling feeling of anxiety & confusion feels the air as I enter the club, not knowing what lay in store. I try to get a grip in this new environment, so many people, lights, & objects moving around, hard to concentrate. My friends and I sit near the entrance waiting on some others. As im sitting on this box and look around everything is morphing pretty heavily already. I then start to drift outside my body, looking down at myself. These feelings are coming very fast, a little too fast for the moment. So I re-adjust my position and calm myself so I can try and actually function.

11:20 - I'm not sure if we met the people we were waiting on or not. I'm already totally lost on whats going on but we start to move into the bigger room. I stand there gazing as this mystical waving cloud of lazers. Its very incredible but I still feel very awkward just standing there.

11:40 - We go sit down nearby the main dancefloor. I continue to feel very awkward and out of place. Thoughts in my head keep repeating where the hell am I, who are these people, what am I doing. After re-assuring myself all these things several times I begin to feel much better. Gazing around I notice all the brilliant lights and several people on the dance floor dancing with glowsticks. It was insane watching everyone & every light come together in harmony. I started to feel even better & stood up. I continued the exercise of sitting down & standing up because of my back hurting. I became more uncomfortable as the night progressed but kept trying to enjoy myself anyway.

12:10 - A few friends were nearby the wall so I walked over to see what they were up to. Can't remember my actual conversation but soon after speaking we walked outside. Mind you I was walking very slow due to the ground extreme morphing & shape-shifting. was nice to be outside, a lot calmer than the madness inside. We all sat down & were relaxing. Not sure what our conversations were at the time. This point of the night seems much lost.

1:00 - My trip started to become a lot heavier. Not understanding anything that was going on around me. I couldn't tell how everyone else was doing, due to the extreme morphing of their facial expressions. Everyone was completely out of whack. Many of us were way out there, as a few others had ingested shrooms also. Anxiety was over-riding the positive atmosphere of the trip...I kept trying to calm myself down but with people constantly walking by and/or screaming..just wasn't helping. One of my friends came over and spoke with me, she was very pleasant to see & touch and helped myself & others through our difficult experiences during the night, our own little guardian angel. After this experience my overall thoughts began to become much more pleasant.

2:00 - Sitting next to the wall I start to analyze society and how mis-interpreted everything has become. I started to think about a perfect city and how pleasant it would be without many things.

2:30 - One of my friends and I decided to go back into the madness for a bit to play some halo. This was very interesting, the graphics were very vibrant, it was an extensive journey to even find my friend in the game. I died much more than usual but it was still very enjoyable. After many other people joined it seemed pointless to play anymore. So we got up and went back outside.

3:00 - Everyone looked so gone and just way the fuck out there. Very friendly though, pleasant to sit and talk with them. After settling back down and finding a nice place to sit down. I started to sit in a perfect symmetrical position. My mind became very clear and positive thoughts just started to flow...and flow they did. My thoughts and actions sub dued into a very spiritual manner. I began to feel very passionate for my friends & many others that were around. My mental clarity kept becoming even more & more clear & uplifting as my thoughts preceded to race. I begin to feel like a spiritual figure, such as a monk or even Jesus. Like I was suppose to lead these people on a more important journey in life, on a more spiritual level. At this point everything seemed to come together in harmony...pure 'bliss' as we know it. I began to see many things society had brought upon us that had clouded our judgment and overall importance in life. I felt total peace and extremely happy with myself & everyone around. It is said when entering heaven you become all-knowing, that's what it felt like, it was incredible. I felt as if i was all-knowing and my drug induced adventure had lead me into this revelation of...becoming & knowing all. Everything became so clear and i began to meditate, closely my eyes & entering into deep thoughts. As i closed my eyes the CEV's were incredible. They flowed with utter perfection & radiance, I had many beautiful conceptions at this time.

4:30 - I started to converse with my friends, trying to help out where needed. Many were having a difficult time as I was earlier. I felt compelled to help it was my if I was put on this earth to provide & lead people into pure happiness. Everything lined up in my life, it all had a purpose. Pointing out what was truly important, I finally stood I did it felt like i was reborn. I looked around as if I had become one with the universe. I felt like I had all mighty power and could control everything. My hands began to move as if I was bending time & space. I felt incredible & began to dance, my actions resembled much so of a spiritual figure and continued during the rest of the night.

5:15 - After sitting back down I began to try and move a bottle of water with my mind. After failing to move this object, I began to laugh. I'm not sure why I attempted this act but it was joyful none the less.

5:30 - After awhile I was ready to leave as many were. I was very tired from my mental journey. Everything in the club began to give this burden feel, I became very anxious to leave. The club started to cloud my memory and felt somewhat like a hell trapping me inside. All the commotion and people around just became over-burdening, as I felt weak and just wanted to go home to relax and dwell on my thoughts of the night.

6:40 - We finally make it home..woot! We all go inside to relax and smoke a bowl. Some feel asleep as others & myself went down stairs to drift away in the night.

Overall it was a very compelling and just insanely incredible night. A nice spiritual cleansing per say. I highly recommend this combination to anyone who is experienced with both psychedelics. I also recommend to dose in a more controlled environment and with great understanding friends as i had.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18055
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 9, 2002Views: 14,748
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2C-T-2 (53), Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), General (1)

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