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Time Warps and Mind Bends
Citation:   Raiden. "Time Warps and Mind Bends: An Experience with Ketamine (exp18092)". Feb 25, 2018.

T+ 0:00
3 lines insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:30 5 lines insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
I only smoked pot until about 99. My choice was that only. I tried LSD, Shrooms, Cocaine. Then came along what many like to call 'rave drugs'. I was curious, especially about Ecstasy.

One night me and some folks decided to look for E. We didn't find any, but found ketamine.

Ketamine is a drug that so weird, I cannot fully explain it. I remember doing three lines in about 5minutes. Thirty minutes passed, I thought i was ok. So we did more. about 5 more lines, less than 10 minutes. About fifteen more minutes passed-This drug hit me harder than I have ever been hit. All of a sudden, the bed I was on became extremely uninviting. For some reason it didn't like me much, and I felt the same way. I was getting nervous, thinking the bed was going to throw me off. Finally my friend made a statement that referred to Kitchen and Water. I got up real quick to go with him. The most insane headspin I ever had kicked in. It was extremely fast. The floor looked like I was standing 90ft. above it with hideously long legs. My friend was talking to me, but nothing he said made sense. He grabbed by the arm, I knew we were going to the kitchen for some reason. Before we left the room, I grabbed a robe. Something was telling me that I would need it and would have to put it on, so I did. I walked(and I use that term loosely) down the hallway. It was extremely long. It seemed like I would never make it to the end. I made it to the kitchen not really knowing why I was in there and by myself, opened the refigerator. Damn, the refrigerator was like a new gateway to reality. It seemed as if even in the dimension I was, they have a refrigerator. I was shocked to see carrots in my friends fridge. I yanked them out, something told me that carrots do not belong in there. I threw all but one and put in my robe pocket.

I had to got to the bathroom. So I made my way to the bathroom, it took ages to finish peeing. I walked towards the door to open it, but fell. It felt good to fall. All of a sudden I was going down this time hole. Extremely fast. My eyes were closed, but I was seeing the most magnificent and bright colors I had ever seen. Just as quick as I was travelling down the time warp tunnel-it stopped. I was floating looking at beautiful galaxy. To this day I think it was the Milky Way. I can't remember the planets or anything. I wanted to back away further from it, and did. As I was doing this, a light was shining brighter and brighter behind me. I tried to turn around, but as soon as I thought to I was falling backwards down the same time tunnel.

I heard my friend telling me to get up, he was outside of the bathroom cause I locked the door. I was back to reality. It was like the whole time I was laying there and they were worrying. I got slowly and opened the door. I told my friend 'you gotta come in here and see this'. He said, 'see what?' As soon a he asked I knew it was the trip that granted me the experience. I was coming out of it, but still warped out. We went to bedroom. I sat in a one person chair with another friend of mine. He felt sooooooo far away. Like I couldn't touch him. We heard a loud noise outside, it was the sprinkler system, one was broken and the water was hitting the window. We went outside. As soon as we did we stopped dead in our tracks. It was like something we've never seen before. The outside environment was a quieting buzz killer. The K had shifted gears in an intense way. It was like we were inside MY mind. As if it a was a dream and I knew it. There was no one that wanted to mess with sprinkler. We didn't know how to shut them off manually cause we were still teens not paying attention to 'dad's problem.' I decided to do it. We couldn't find a stick or anything else. Then I remembered the carrot. I stuffed it down the sprinkler hole so it wouldn't hit the window. I got wet but not as wet without the robe.

I was only 18 at the time and am now 20. K is nice. everything made since. The warp was going through the future to see what nature has in store for us. That's why I can't remember the planets.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 18092
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Feb 25, 2018Views: 1,084
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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