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Shroom OD
Mushrooms - P. cubensis & P. cyanescens & Cannabis
by EB
Citation:   EB. "Shroom OD: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis & P. cyanescens & Cannabis (exp18169)". Oct 14, 2002.

15 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (fresh)
  2.0 g oral Mushrooms - P. cyanescens  
Our story begins in the beautiful canal laden streets of Amsterdam. I've been living in the netherlands for over a year now and this is the story of one particular trip where I pushed it a bit too far. The day began nicely enough going from coffeeshop to coffeeshop getting ripped out of my mind. The next stop was to a smartshop where various psilocybin mushrooms and other such psychoactive drugs can be purchased. I decided to up my personal and eat to boxes of fresh cubensis. 1 box is considered a high dose. Then I ate another 2 grams of cyanescens. This is by far the most mushrooms that I've ever eaten.

The trip started out nicely enough. Walking around the streets of amsterdam tripping out of my mind and still breaking no laws. 3 hours later however I found myself in the Bluebird coffeeshop smoking a fat spliff in a corner. I was beginning to get incredibly high. I was on the second story of the shop and looking out over the street which appeared to be moving back and forth, closer and further. I started getting nervous at this point. I was beginning to get pain in my stomach and I thought I would puke. And inside of a coffeeshop was not the place to be doing that. I stood up turned around and headed for the door. I took about 2 steps and blacked out. It wasn't just a blackout though. I completely passed out. Standing on my feet. I just collapsed on the floor in the middle of the place. I remember that the blackness was pleasent.

The next thing I knew I was looking up at a bunch of faces I didn't know. Then I was in a corner sitting on the floor and I was drinking a sports drink. I have no recollection of recieving the drink, but it was already half gone. The owner had given it to me along with a candy bar. I was unable to talk for half an hour. I just couldn't form the words. They just wern't there. I eventually got up and left. I am curious if anyone else has experienced a loss of conscienceness from an incrediably high dose of mushrooms. Comments?

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 18169
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 14, 2002Views: 33,048
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Mushrooms - P. cyanescens (67), Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Various (28), Overdose (29), Health Problems (27)

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