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Much Too Much Too Much Too Much Too...
by f
Citation:   f. "Much Too Much Too Much Too Much Too...: An Experience with Cannabis (exp18192)". Oct 15, 2002.

2.0 g oral Cannabis (edible / food)
i used to burn herb a few times a week. It went up to every day plus for a month or two, then over the last year it's been a steady once a week just about every single week.

Looking for something a little different, i decided i would make herb cookies since i hadn't done that in a while. i ordered a bag of delivery-service regular grade mediocre cooking herb and poured it into a half-stick of butter or so in a pan. After cooking that for a half hour, i poured it directly into the cookie batter and made 2 really big cookies (1 for me, 1 for my friend Brian).

Saturday night at 5:00 we got all geared up and each ate a cookie. They were, of course, delicious. i realized that something was clearly amiss when at only T+30 min i noticed i was already high. Very high. And hungry despite having eaten a large large volume of cookie with high butter content. For now i wait and have some of Brian's salad. He is still eating his (remember i said they were large).

Another half-hour goes by of steady, steep climbing in height and i begin to get a little nervous. To sort of snap myself out of the anxiety/worry phase, i make light of it and suggest we get pizza, though i am starting to fear the potentially scary world at this point. We make it out and back with pizza, i eat some and soon have to go lay down because i'm too high.

i concentrated on not fighting the drug and riding it instead, and this helped a lot. i managed to calm myself down enough to be receptive. i began to get significant visuals as soon as i lay down, akin to the strength of my first time taking mushrooms (see report labeled 'Resurrection') but without the mental intensity. i remember the open-eye and closed-eye visuals started to be essentially the same thing, so i couldn't always tell if my eyes were open or not. Mostly a lot of geometric patterns and things being made of liquid and flowing. Nothing event-oriented at this point.

Some time went by, and i eventually managed to tell Brian i was going to the bathroom. i made it downstairs, but passed out on his bed instead of making it to the bathroom. i had several vivid dreams in this period about differing versions of the end of the world (or at least of the world as i understood it).

At 11:30, Brian woke me up and had me sleep on his floor so he could have his bed. i set an alarm for the next morning and succumbed to the herb again.
Seconds later (real life : eight and a half hours later), i wake up to the alarm at 8:00 am. i'm thinking about how weird i feel, but ascribe it to fatigue until i remember the cookies and the fact that i'm in New Jersey and not at home. i realize i'm still high. Still spun off my fucking wheels, in fact. And that i have to go play piano at a church service, immediately.

i try to lace my shoes, fail, sit down and retrace my steps, and avoid freaking out. 'just relax' i tell myself as i fumble through an action i could do the last seventeen years or so with no trouble. i mean, just because i can't tie my shoes shouldn't mean that i can't maintain order in public, play an instrument accompanying a whole congregation of people as well as a singer, and deal with the hierarchy of the catholic church, right?

i made it to church on time and awake if not aware. i cut down on all human interaction, but there is some minimum. i basically avoided talking as much as possible and tried to stay out of the way. Putting on the robe for the mass gave me some trouble, but i got it together ok. The singer and i went upstairs to the main part of the church, and he asked me what i had done the night before. i mumbled something (presumably) semi-coherent about staying out late playing a session, and he says 'You sure you didn't take acid or something?'

i told him i was sure.

Despite the fact that the music wasn't standing still, i managed to read through the hymns and solo ok and book it the hell out. Came home, had an apple, passed out on my bed. This was at about 12:30 pm the next day, now T+19 or so. i was asleep until 12:00 am, T+31 or so, and i was still high when i woke up. i ate some munchies and staggered back to bed again. woke up at 8:30 am, 38 hours after ingestion, still a little dazed, a little depressed, but at least functional again.

i spent Monday in a semi-haze all day and didn't really feel normal until like 7:00 pm, or t+49 hours. i got a lot more than i bargained for on this one. i'm glad it turned out ok and that i didn't do something outlandish in the middle of a catholic church service or get lost in Jersey (or the city for that matter). This was unfortunately not much a growth experience due to the fact that i was asleep for almost all of it.
However, lesson learned : two grams of herb is really rather too much for a recreational Saturday afternoon herb cookie.


Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18192
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 15, 2002Views: 25,219
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Overdose (29), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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