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Basking & Swimming
by AA
Citation:   AA. "Basking & Swimming: An Experience with MDMA (exp1826)". Jun 14, 2000.

110 mg oral MDMA (capsule)
Yesterday my mate and I decided to use MDMA. The dose was 110mg each. I weigh 128kg, she weighs 86kg.

We took the small white capsules at 6:15pm.

By 7:45pm we were 'feeling' it. We went for a walk. We walked over to the school that I live near (its an elementary school, K-6). They have a garden, and we looked at all the wonderful flowers they have including some bizarre poppies and my favorite, gladiolas.

We found ourselves on the swings shortly after that and enjoyed ourselves immensely. We both sort of hurt our ankles dismounting. Walking around I encountered some wonderful nostalgia -- I looked at trees that were nothing but saplings when I attended the school.

I normally wear sandals and I indulged in a barefoot walk through the sandbox, and we remembered past trips on various other substances (namely LSD and DXM) at the same site. Mostly they were at night and it was very refreshing to be there during the day -- we didnt get that sneaky eeling.

Soon after arriving back at home (we walked of course), she said she was peaking. I thought that I would be peaking soon too, so we laid down in bed and just touched eachother and made repeated 'i love you''s. The peak wore down in 1/2hr to 3/4hr. I suggested we go to the hot tub. Ive had some real lower back problems, and my doctor had recommended a Jacuzzi.

So we got down there and I was overcome by an urge to go swimming. It was WONDERFUL. Ive never had the oppurtunity to swim on E before, but it is just beyond words. Wow. We then got in the spa and just hugged and kissed and thoroughly enjoyed eachothers company.

Its unreal how close we felt. It was as if ... well its even hard to put it into words. We are normally very close and like to be nose-to-nose when possible... but the way we felt was something a little more. We hugged little closer and laughed a little longer, and so on. Complete elation.

After about 1/2hr, we tired of the spa, and were getting worn out by the hot water and chlorine fumes. We made it back to the house and watched a little tv, letting the e wear off a little as it had been a little too strong.

She got it in her head to go to the beach. Now, i dont know how many of you live near the beach. But here in southern california, the days are retty warm right now so the plankton, etc, in the water are multiplying. This makes nights spectacular as the waves GLOW. They were INCREDIBLY light. The most beautiful thing I think we've ever seen. The waves just lit up like neon lights. She was completely taken by it. We took a walk barefoot down the beach. She was jumping up and down, watching the sand under her light up when she touched it. The water and the sand between my toes was fantastic.

The walk was about a mile. When we got back to the car, she had gotten hungry (I had been grazing on poundcake, so I wasnt particularly ungry). Around here, most places are closed by 12am, so we wound up going to the supermarket which is now open 24hrs. She couldnt decide what she wanted so we wandered aimlessly for a bit.

Im a gardener at heart and by nature (no pun intended). I walked over to the florist section. We were both awestruck by the colors and smells and the /purity/ of the scene. We went from flower to flower, smelling and touching and just bursting with happiness and just incredible good feelings. Im growing gladiolas and some red morning glories and other plants. it felt so good to see other plants that were babied as much as mine. We were just completely taken by it.

Anyhow, we managed to pry ourselves away from the flowers in search of nourishment and procured a fresh (at midnight?!) fruit salad. We also bought some rolls. The fruit was delicious. The rolls were equally good.

The rest of the night mainly consisted of us coming home and remarking about how incredible our evening had been.

We have a good time together. We can have a great time together WITHOUT mdma. But last night was special. Last night was one of the most spiritual, happy nights of my life. I cant believe how incredibly happy I was.

Now for the resolution part:

Normally we are e-ravers. We use e at raves. The music and the people potentiate it. But we feel like E showed us its true colors last night and we're not sure we will ever use it at a rave again. I really think that E is a wonderful AID. A HELPER. Without the prior relationship, we wouldn't have felt as in love as we did. I think everyone should be able to use this drug.

hehe and oh yeah. In case you didnt notice it by now, it has a wonderful afterglow that I am basking in, 28hrs later.

The world can be a wonderful place...... youve just got to catch nature doing her thing. Like the ocean. or the flowers.

I love everyone. (yes, even though sometimes its easier just to hate them -- E is helping me realize things like this)

Thanks for being there, everyone.

Exp Year: 1997ExpID: 1826
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 14, 2000Views: 5,840
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MDMA (3) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1)

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