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Use a Goddam Sitter
Citation:   gatsby. "Use a Goddam Sitter: An Experience with Alcohol (exp18375)". Oct 23, 2002.

I'm not the kind of person to get on my high horse and preach, but I think this needs to be said. Looking through some of the reports on erowid, especially those dealing w/ psychodelics, authors INSIST that users have ground crews. I've read several reports where people have basically said 'yeah, I read that a sitter should be used, but decided not to. I was wrong. Definitely use a sitter'. What the hell are these people thinking? If someone suggests a substance not be used w/o a sitter, don't use it without one!

I say this because you are potentially harming more people than just yourself. I know many people might think this sounds like square bs, but think about it. If you are truly trying to touch some grand benevolent force, you must first show good will toward those around you. When you hurt or kill yourself on a substance, the substance is more likely to be made illegal, or be kept illegal. This means responsible users are criminalized because of the stupidity of a few.

I had a friend who died when we were in high school. He had been drinking heavily, and was left alone. Suddenly, he was gone. Where did he go? He drove home without telling anyone. He never made it. No, I wasn't there to prevent him from leaving. If I had been, I don't know if I would have realized the importance of keeping an eye on him. If any of you can benefit from what I've written here, than my friend's life takes on greater meaning.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18375
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 23, 2002Views: 13,772
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Alcohol (61) : Guides / Sitters (39), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Unknown Context (20)

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